>>The Republican fix for Obamacare isn’t repeal or defund. The - TopicsExpress


>>The Republican fix for Obamacare isn’t repeal or defund. The House Republican fix that Fred Upton floated a couple of weeks ago is, If you have an individual healthcare policy that was effective as of this year, January 2013, that policy in fact is grandfathered in and it allows you to keep it for another year. Youre not going to be subject to a penalty. Youre not going to be forced to find something else. Wow Fred. Way to go out on a limb buddy! Thats like a Governor giving a death row inmate a one year reprieve. Well just kill you next year. Awesome! I agree with Glenn Beck’s description of what is really going on. They (Republicans) also want national healthcare. Don’t believe the lies that they are against it. The Republicrats want a Republicare or a Romneycare version of ObamaCare or some other derivation, yet we hear them speak glowingly of the free market. Progressives don’t want a “free” market. Just listen to them. Even when they speak of repeal, its never just to repeal it. Its always repeal and replace. Replace with what? Another government program. Now were supposed to believe that the republicrats are outraged over Obamacare. Riiiight! And now there is a scramble on to try to suspend it and somehow rewrite the “Law of the Land” to allow for people to keep their existing plans ... for a little while longer. The problem is that once those private insurance plans have been cancelled, as millions already have, you can’t just turn back the clock. It doesn’t work that way. Yet even Sean Hannity is buying in, touting and celebrating the Republican insistence of a Friday deadline, that if Obama can’t come up with a fix by Friday, the Republicans will demand that consumers may keep the plan they currently have. Sean thinks it’s great, Uptons, “If you like your plan you can keep your plan” fix. What do they think will happen in the upcoming year? Nothing! The same as what has happened with the debt ceiling and the continuing resolution. Give up and promise to fight later. It’s been estimated that Obamacare requires a minimum of 7 million people to sustain the program. If everyone is able to keep their old plan, how will Obamacare get the 7 million? It won’t, but that’s great, right? That means Obamacare, like many Republicans and pundits have said, will collapse under its own weight and go away, right? Sure; that’s what will happen. No, like every other loser government program, it will live forever under the protection of more deficit spending. If it can’t fund itself, the government will print the money it needs. It is the Law of the Land after all. Now, when they have some real momentum to repeal and/or defund efforts, spineless Republicrats would rather take the gutless, easy and way out. I contend that the Republicrats believe they will win the midterm elections, possibly even take the Senate, and as I stated before, they dont really care about the Unaffordable Care Act. They just want to be in charge of it.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:14:37 +0000

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