“The Shaytaan said to the Lord of Glory: ‘By Your Glory O - TopicsExpress


“The Shaytaan said to the Lord of Glory: ‘By Your Glory O Lord, I will keep trying to misguide Your slaves so long as their souls are in their bodies.’ The Lord said, ‘By My Glory and Majesty, I will continue to forgive them so long as they ask My forgiveness.’” Narrated by Ahmad in al-Musnad and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2/32 In this hadith, we see that Shaytan will never give up trying to misguide us, but Allah (The giver of mercy, the merciful) will neither stop forgiving us if we ask his forgiveness, that is, as long as our souls are in our bodies! Shaytan will attack us when we wake up for Fajr, during Wudhu, DURING PRAYER, when sitting at a gathering, and many other occasions! As for Wudhu (Ablution): He (Shaytan) will come to the worshiper and say “Surely, you forgot to make the intention” or “Indeed, you forgot to wash your right hand” or “look at yourself, you are not making it clean enough” and so on! The solution to this is to make a prayer before entering the bathroom, say “I seek refuge in Allah away from the female and male Jins and the accursed Shaytan” As for Fajr: Shaytan will try to make you sleep even though you KNOW very well that you have to wake up to pray, he got three knots around you, 1. Preventing you to wake up, 2. Preventing you to make proper wudhu, 3 preventing you to pray! If you do all of these 3 things, he (Shaytan) has lost! As for prayer: Shaytan will make you pray faster, he will make you think of things while reciting the Qur’an to distract you from the connection between you and Allah, he will make you play with your toes or fingers, he will make you doubt about how many Raqats you have made, he will make you think of VERY evil things etc! The solution to this is to say “Audhu Billahi Mini Shaytan Irajeem” and spit (dry) 3 times to the left! As for sitting in a gathering: Shaytan will whisper “Look at that woman” and such! The solution to this is to seek refuge in Allah away from Satan the accursed! Or to say “Amantu Billahi wa rasolihi” 3 times which means “I believe in Allah and his messenger”
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 06:38:15 +0000

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