"The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath" In the Law given - TopicsExpress


"The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath" In the Law given by Moses ... God ordered all to rest and not do any work on the Sabbath. But it was "an image and a shadow" (Heb 8.5) of the true Sabbath, which is given to the soul by the Lord. Indeed, the soul was deemed worthy of the true Sabbath continues to pursue his concerns shameful and degraded and in rest, it celebrates the true Sabbath and enjoy the true rest, being delivered from all works of darkness ... Formerly, it was prescribed that even animals devoid of reason were to rest on the Sabbath day: beef should not be subjected to the yoke or the donkey carrying a burden, because the animals themselves rested heavy work. Coming with us and giving us the true and eternal Sabbath, the Lord brought the rest to the soul that was loaded and overwhelmed the burden of sin, and who, under duress, performed works of injustice, subject she was cruel masters. He relieved the intolerable weight vain and vile ideas he freed the bitter yoke works of injustice, and gave him the rest. Indeed, the Lord calls man to rest, saying: "Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). And all the souls who trust him and approach him ... celebrate a true Sabbath holy and delicious, a feast of the Spirit in joy and unspeakable joy. They make God a pure worship that pleases him, proceeding from a pure heart. This is the true Sabbath and holy.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 08:02:16 +0000

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