“The Taurus Full Moon on November 17 is shining the light on - TopicsExpress


“The Taurus Full Moon on November 17 is shining the light on what you love and value. When your goals are aligned with your core values, your success is promoted. “Your power is in the choices you make today. Your freedom and joy is in your ability to live authentically and in alignment with your core values. What you love and value is unique to you. It makes you what you are. “What you are in truth is far more important that what you do. The world defines you by what you do. This is limiting. Who and what you are in truth is much more interesting and mysterious. The Taurus Full Moon is about finding the Gold in You. What is true for you? What are your core values? What gives you passion? What gives your life meaning? What would you do with ten million dollars? “Taurus reveals your attitude toward money, security and pleasure. Taurus rules your inner resources. These are your talents, gifts and abilities. Taurus rules your outer resources. These are your investments (time, energy and heart). Are you using your inner and outer resources to create the life your want? “…Venus is Taurus ruling planet. Venus is in Capricorn. She will have a long visit in Capricorn from November 5 — March 5, 2014. This is because she retrogrades on solstice December 21 — January 31, 2014. It may feel odd going into the New Year with such a personal planet as Venus in reverse. Venus is coupled with Pluto and challenged by Uranus at the Full Moon. You may have unmet needs and desires screaming to be heard. Do not step over tolerations. Venus is showing you what you need to change. “.. think about what changes you can make deep within you to promote the change you want in your relationship, work and life. Before you see the change in your world, change needs to occur within you first. You can sabotage your own success by resisting change. Being stubborn can appear as strength on the surface. In truth, this can be your fear masking your needed changes. “The Scorpio Sun is championing you to move past your fears and clean out the closets of your mind. Halloween is over. It is time to be rid of the pesky skeletons (fears) hanging around. The Scorpio Sun wants you to own your power. Reclaim your shadow side and release what no longer serves you. Choose love not fear. Be fearless. “Chiron in Pisces moves direct on November 19. Chiron is the wounded healer. He can empower you to find healing and new solutions to your nagging problems. The body is the messenger. Make sure to take good care of you…Rest, eat whole foods and drink plenty of water. Water cleanses the toxin out of your body. Be proactive. “The Taurus Full Moon message is to align your goals with your core values. This will promote your success…The Taurus Full Moon is reminding you to create your own safety and security. Safety and security are found in your mighty I Am Presence–your Higher Self…” “Hold a secure position within you. Make sure to consider yourself in all manner of involvement. Make an allegiance to what you have and what you are doing. Find the gold in you. You are creating your reality though your thoughts, words and behavior. You can choose to be the victor or the victim. In other words, you can own your power. Or you can give it away. You get to choose. Choose to be empowered…” “Go for your heart’s desire. There is a distinction between those that are successful and those that are not. People who are successful never gave up. Failure is not an option. You have to stay hungry. Never surrender your dreams for a better future. Your best is yet to come. The best days of your life are ahead of you. The one you are waiting for is you.“
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:28:41 +0000

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