"The Ten Immutable Laws of a Collapse of a Civilization" From - TopicsExpress


"The Ten Immutable Laws of a Collapse of a Civilization" From exhaustive studies of Ancient History I have found that there are ten immutable laws by which one can tell when a civilization is in danger of collapse. Through studies of history especially of the struggle between the East and the West from the ancient Greek Peloponnesian War, to the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire to the present, all have common threads showing how those laws apply to each civilization. If one applies these laws to the present day we can clearly see that our civilization is in dire trouble in its present predicament, knowing these “immutable laws” may help us to avoid collapse or to last longer than would otherwise be the case. The Ten Immutable Laws of a Collapse of a Civilization: 1. No nation has ever survived once its citizenry ceased to believe its culture worth saving. 2. In battle, free men almost always defeat slaves. 3. Appeasement of a ruthless outside power always invites aggression. Treaties made with ruthless despots are always fruitless and dangerous. 4. If a people cannot avoid continuous internal warfare, they will have a new order imposed from without. 5. When a free people, through taxation, is deprived of its ability to acquire wealth and property, collapse is presaged. 6. To hold territory, a state must be populated by those loyal to the central authority. When immigration overwhelms assimilation, the fall is predicted. 7. With the loss of fiscal solvency comes a loss of sovereignty. 8. Debasing the currency always destabilizes the governing authority, and speeds collapse. 9. When a civilization accepts the propaganda of its enemy as truth, it has reached the far side of appeasement and capitulation is nigh. 10. Declining civilizations will always face superior firepower from ascending civilizations because sovereignty is only temporarily uncontested. These sound like broad, sweeping generalities. How many of these laws apply to the United States today? Be honest in your assessment. Will The United States of America will survive a few more generations? Ignore these “immutable laws” at your peril, and at the peril of all our descendants. The Decline of the United States of America is mirroring the fall of Ancient Rome.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 13:51:24 +0000

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