“The Valley Where Helpers Fail” . Bible readg: Luke 5v1-7, - TopicsExpress


“The Valley Where Helpers Fail” . Bible readg: Luke 5v1-7, see how Peter got to the bus-stop of frustration and gave up the battle. He was washing his nets after an all-night toil and failure to catch even a dead fish. He was waiting for another day of trial, after his failure, when Jesus appeared without the invitation of Peter, and turned Peter’s empty boat into a pulpit by the sea shore. For those frustrated with certificates that has not fetched them any jobs, or with incurable disease, or whose helpers appear to have fled or, their situation looked like a binding conspiracy against them, this message is for you. Hear me, under prophetic unction and I decree by fire, Jesus shall enter your boat and also surprise you!” … “That curtain of reproach that the enemy is using to cover you from your helpers, shall be lifted! in Jesus’ name. “ Peter had no appointment with God, but God had appointment with Peter. Peter did not pray or fast or sing or invite Jesus, but God came and showed up all the same. There are miracles you did not pray for, but God in His sovereign will generously give to you. Psalm 27:10 God promised us that He would not forsake us, even if our father and mother forsake us. Isaiah 49:15-16 how it may be possible for a nursing mother to forget her sucking child but God will not forsake us. It was such valleys of forgetfulness that Peter found himself. A valley where helpers fail: where friends become enemies and love becomes hatred; where peace becomes conflict and commendation becomes complaints; where agreement becomes argument and gentleness becomes harshness; where cooperation becomes contention and unity becomes strife; where harmony becomes discord and trust becomes suspicion; where rest becomes agitation and praise becomes criticism; where kindness becomes cruelty and cheerfulness becomes melancholy; where thanksgiving becomes grumbling and boldness becomes cowardice; where zeal become laziness and blessings becomes curses…. The mystery that made a person like Peter to be at the right place (deep sea), and at the right time (night fishing), with the right tools and equipment (fishing nets and boats), but still obtain the wrong results. The only missing ingredient in that equation is THE WORD OF THE MASTER! Peter said:“…nevertheless at Thy word…”. I wondered aloud bro and sis,: ‘Is this your case??? Then you shall be delivered today!!! in the name of Jesus’. Peter’s boat is d unfortunate business failure boat. All the fishes that would have helped Peter to become a prosperous fisherman fled at the site of Peter’s boat and nets. Ldt me asked u, “Has your own boat failed??? Have your helpers fled or failed??? Are you here with an empty boat???” l counselled u to lend out ur failed boats to the Master. And l assured that u shall reap a blessing that is more than a lifetime of toil! The word of the Master is what makes right techniques to produce the right results. The word of the Master is more important than the best techniques and right tools in this world. Many people have caught the wrong fish in the ocean of life. If you invite the Master into your boat, you will be blessed with power to torment your tormentor and oppress your oppressors. The helpers of Peter who had fled at his sight came and trooped-in to listen to the sermon of Jesus. It is not every time that the King of kings and Lord of lords preach on water. The fishes returned at the Word of the Master. Your own fishes shall return into your nets too in Jesus name. Its time to invite Jesus into your life to overturn your emptiness and failure into bountiful success. Confess your known and unknown sins. Renounce satan and sin, confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Invite the Holy Ghost into your heart to take over and flush satan and his agents from the throne of your life.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 07:46:01 +0000

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