“The economy and administration of the country has been - TopicsExpress


“The economy and administration of the country has been taken over by a single family. The supremacy of the law has been broken down. The country is being moved towards a dictatorship. I made a great attempt to bring in a national drug policy for the benefit of the people. I request the people in this country to give me power to abolish executive presidency within 100 days. The economy of the farmer community which I represent should be strengthened. I contest the presidential election as the candidate of the common opposition front. I request heads of the three forces and the IGP to take measures to hold a free and fair election. Our journalists know that the media and the journalists have no opportunity in this country at present. Free media has been buried. I promise that our government that comes to power with the votes of the people in this country would give full freedom to the media. I hope to end fraud and corruption and create a just society. The 17th amendment would be enforced and the 18th abolished. The service rendered by the leaders of fraternal political parties, Ms. Chandrika Bandaranayake Kumaratunga, Ven. Sobitha Thero and others is appreciative and dignified. Former Commander of the Army Sarath Fonseka cannot be forgotten at this moment. We would take step by step forward to win all elections in the future. I dedicate myself to fulfill aspirations of the masses. At this moment my wife and children come to my mind. At the forthcoming election I would be victorious with the vote of our people.” lankatruth/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7825:18-is-a-serious-blunder-maithri-&catid=36:top-stories&Itemid=124
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:15:14 +0000

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