(The following lecture was given by Imam W. Deen Mohammed as part - TopicsExpress


(The following lecture was given by Imam W. Deen Mohammed as part of his First Sunday Lecture Series, on Jan. 2, 2005, at the Homewood Ramada Inn, in Homewood, III.) PART 1 Allahu Akbar. We are saying, G-d is Greater than anything imaginable. G-d is Greater. For this second day of the New Year and to you all a Blessed New Year. And we greet you with Peace, the greeting in Islam of As Salaam Alaikum. We praise G-d, the Lord and Sustainer of all the worlds, the Lord of all that is in the sky and of all that is down here. He is Most Merciful, the Merciful Benefactor, the Merciful Redeemer. He is the Compassionate, the Merciful. We witness that He is One, and He cares about all of His Creation and His special creation, the creation of human beings. He is Merciful firstly, and He gave us the life we have. He made us human, and He made the world to support our life. He made the earth to give us everything that we need for our life. And all of our aspirations, He says, can be fulfilled on this earth. And we witness that Muhammed is the Seal of the Prophets, the Last Prophet, and we salute him with the traditional salute of the Prayers and the Peace be upon him. We are grateful to Allah for our health and our presence here to address the radio listening audience. We appreciate you caring to tune in for this live broadcast. We are addressing the individual life and community and how we are to build up our communities, so that our souls will be pleased. The human soul cannot be pleased, unless you do what you were created to do. When you do what you were created to do, then your soul will be pleased. But as long as you have not fulfilled that, you cant be happy and your soul cannot be happy. You will be empty and sad or in pain and hurting. G-d wants us to care about ourselves and to value ourselves. Nothing communicated to man or brought to us as education or news has respected our value as G-d has respected our value. In the world today, there are publics and populations, and their way of thinking is influenced by Judaism and Christianity and Islam. There are other publics influenced by Buddhist, Hinduism and many other religions. The great majority of the people on this planet are influenced by those major religions. And all of these religions place great value on the human person. All of these religions invite the human person to wake up to the human value that they have, by virtue of the fact that they were created human. If you were created human, you have special possibilities for your life. They are possibilities that are not open to any other life, not even to the Angels, according to Revelation or Scripture. Not even the Angels have the freedom that human beings have. Not even the Angels can alter creation and recreate and get the great satisfaction in their souls and spirit and minds of doing things worthwhile, that are beautiful and helpful to the society and community not only to the society or community of man, but to the community of animals as well.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 17:07:14 +0000

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