The fruit of the Spirit Glorify God Herein is my Father - TopicsExpress


The fruit of the Spirit Glorify God Herein is my Father glorified , that you keep bearing much fruit . - John 15:8 . CONSIDER two situations : a Christian woman realizes that a little sister is worried . She invites this sister to work together in the field service . The talk between a house and another younger sister talks about his problem. Later that day , she prays to Jehovah thanking the loving concern that older sister , was just what she needed to . Elsewhere , a couple has just returned from a period of preaching abroad . At a social gathering , while the couple excitedly recounts experiences , a young brother listens in silence . Years later , starting to his own name in another country , he remembers that couple and the conversations you have created in him a desire to be a missionary . These situations may lead you to think of someone who marked his life , or someone about whom you exercised a good influence . Naturally , it is rare that a single conversation change a persons life , but every day we have opportunities to encourage and strengthen others. Now imagine that there was something that would enhance their skills and abilities , making them more beneficial to his brothers and most useful to God. Would not it be wonderful? In reality , Jehovah gives us a gift just like that - his holy spirit . ( Luke 11:13 ) The work of Gods Spirit in our lives produces beautiful qualities that enhance every aspect of our service to God . What a wonderful gift ! - Read Galatians 5:22, 23 . The qualities that the Holy Spirit produces reflect the actual personality of the source of that spirit , Jehovah God . ( Col. 3:9 , 10 ) Jesus indicated the main reason for Christians to strive to imitate God , when he said to his apostles : Herein is my Father glorified , that you keep bearing much fruit . * ( John 15 : 8 ) as we cultivate the fruit of the spirit results show in our way of speaking and acting , this, in turn , glorify our God . ( Matt. 5:16 ) In what ways the fruit of the spirit differs from the characteristics of Satans world ? How can we cultivate the fruit of the spirit ? Why can be a challenge to do this ? These questions will be considered when analyzing the first three aspects of the fruit of the spirit - love, joy and peace. Love based on a higher principle Love produced by holy spirit is markedly different from the love that is common in the world . How so ? It is based on a higher principle . Jesus emphasized this difference in the Sermon on the Mount . ( Read Matthew 5:43-48 . ) He said that even sinners follow the law of reciprocity , treating others as others treat them . This love does not presuppose any real sacrifice , but an exchange of favors . If we want to prove to be children of our Father who is in heaven , we have to be different . Instead of treating others as they treat us , we should look at them and treat them as Jehovah sees and treats . But how is it possible to love our enemies as Jesus commanded ? See an example biblical . To preach in Philippi , Paul and Silas were arrested , severely beaten and thrown in the back of prison with their feet stuck in the trunk . It is possible that the jailer has also mistreated . When they were released unexpectedly as a result of an earthquake , which is thought to take revenge on this man ? No. The sincere interest in his welfare - selfless love - moved them to act promptly in favor of the jailer , paving the way for him and his family accepted Christianity . ( Acts 16:19-34 ) Many brothers in modern times have also followed the conduct of bless those who persecute you . - Rom . 12:14 AM. Our love for the brethren beyond . We have an obligation to deliver our souls for our brothers . ( Read 1 John 3:16-18 . ) In general, however , we can show love in minor things . For example , if we say or do something that offends a brother , we can show love to take the initiative to restore peace . ( Matt. 5:23, 24 ) And if we offend someone ? We are forgiving , or sometimes we tend to hold a grudge ? (Ps. 86:5 ) The intense love produced by the Holy Spirit can help us to overlook minor transgressions , freely forgiving others as Jehovah freely forgave us . - Col. 3:13 , 14 ; 1 Pet. 4:8 . Joy of the Holy Spirit A notable feature of the aspects of the fruit of the spirit is its stability . The joy , the second aspect that we consider, exemplifies this strength and endurance . Joy is like a vigorous plant that can grow even in a hostile environment. Across the earth, many servants of God accepted the word in much affliction , with joy of the Holy Spirit . ( 1 Thess. 1:6 ) Other face afflictions and deprivations . However , through his spirit , Jehovah strengthens to endure fully and be long-suffering with joy. ( Col. 1:11 ) What is the source of this joy ? Unlike the uncertain riches of Satans world , the spiritual treasures that we receive from Jehovah have permanent value . ( 1 Tim 6:17; Matt. 6:19, 20 ) He offers us the joyful prospect of an eternal future . We have the joy of belonging to a Christian fraternity world . Above all , our joy is based on our relationship with God . We have the same feelings for David, who , though forced to live as a fugitive , praised the Lord in song, saying : Because your loving-kindness is better than life , you will brag about my own lips . Thus will I bless thee all my life . (Ps. 63:3 , 4 ) In the face of afflictions , the joyful praise of God flows into our hearts . The apostle Paul exhorted Christians : Rejoice in the Lord always . Again I will say, Rejoice ( Phil. 4:4 ) Why is it vital that Christians serve the Lord with gladness ? Because the question that Satan raised regarding Jehovahs sovereignty. He says that no one serves God willingly. (Job 1:9-11 ) If we serve Jehovah sense of duty but no joy, our sacrifice of praise is incomplete. So try to heed the exhortation of the Psalmist : Serve the Lord with gladness . Enter ye before him with joyful cry . (Ps. 100:2 ) The service gladly and willingly glorifies God . 12 Realistically, though , even devoted servants of Jehovah have moments of discouragement and struggle to maintain a positive concept . ( Phil. 2:25-30 ) What can help us in these moments ? Ephesians 5:18, 19 says : Stay full of spirit , speaking to yourselves in psalms and praises to God , and spiritual songs , singing and accompanying yourselves with music in your hearts to the Lord. How can we apply this counsel ? Bond unifying peace In our international conferences , participants from diverse backgrounds and revel in the warm Christian fellowship . These occasions highlight one facet of peace among the people of God today - our global unity . It is common observers remain amazed to see groups of people that supposedly would live in enmity , take steps to observe the unity of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace . ( Eph. 4:3 ) This union is truly remarkable in view of what many had to overcome. Unite people of different origins and backgrounds is a challenge . To help us understand what we must overcome to achieve such a union , look what happened to the apostle Peter in the first century . Its position relative to uncircumcised Gentiles transpires these words of his : You well know how unlawful it is for a Jew to join himself or come to a man of another race , and God showed me that I did not call any man debased or impure . ( Acts 10:24-29 , 11:1-3 ) Based on a common concept at the time, Peter apparently grew up believing that the law required him to love only Jews . Perhaps it seemed absolutely normal face the Gentiles as enemies to be hated . * Peters experience helps us understand the remarkable transformation that occurs today among Gods people . ( Read Isaiah 2:3 , 4 ). Millions of all nations , tribes , peoples and tongues readjusted their thinking according to the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. ( Rev. 7:9 , Rom . 12:2 ) Many of them were totally affected by hatred , enmity and spirit of division of Satans world . But , through study of the Word of God and with the help of the holy spirit , learned to engage the things making peace . ( Rom. 14:19) The resulting union gives praise to God . As we personally contribute to peace and unity among the people of God ? In many congregations there are members who came from another country . Some may have different customs or speak our language well . We seek to draw close to them ? Thats what the Word of God recommends . In his letter to the Christian congregation in Rome , which included both Jews and Gentiles , Paul declared : Heed ye one another, as Christ also received us , seeking glory for God. ( Rom. 15:7 ) Is there anyone in your congregation that you would know best ? What else can we do so that the Holy Spirit acts in our lives?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:08:52 +0000

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