......The law of receiving......... The law of receiving states - TopicsExpress


......The law of receiving......... The law of receiving states that for you to be able to receive your desires, you should be open to get them. Although this might seem obvious, many people do exactly the opposite. For example, if you want to be in a relationship and you think you are ready for it but all you do is sit at home, it means you are not ready to receive it. You can only prove that you are ready to receive a relationship by going out and being ready to meet someone. This way you are saying to the universe ‘Can you see, I am completely ready to receive my desire!’ and the relationship comes into your life. You should make it as easy as possible for the universe to grant your wishes. Universe will try to find a way to get you what you want even if you sit at home with your wish. Someone might just knock on your door and that’s the person of your dreams. But that may happen after a while, say, ten years time. So it is better to really open up to all the possibilities of getting your desires manifested. You should truly show to the universe that you are ready: look the best you can, brighten up, dress up and go out to meet your future partner. Wrong mindset There is another reason why you just seem not to be able to receive your desires. There might still be some limiting belief left in you that prevents you from getting your desires. That often relates to money. Deep down you may still feel that money is actually bad, or that it makes people worse off or that you are not ready to be wealthy. Deep down you know that with wealth comes much bigger responsibility and you might not be ready for that. Yet you are not willing to bring this fact out of your unconscious mind. So you get all kinds of problems and situations preventing you from the free flow of abundance. If this is the situation you are in, you should remember that these limiting beliefs are all created by you and they can be overcome. However, you will need to really question yourself about what kind of limiting beliefs may be holding you back. Or you can use another method for eliminating limiting beliefs, which are positive affirmations. Affirmations should be repeated daily and you should select a completely opposite statement to that of your current limiting belief. So if you think that money makes people evil, you should say that money makes people good; or personalise it and say ‘I feel so much better by having plenty of money!’ or something like that. This will overwrite your old program of limiting beliefs and you will be able to use the law of receiving to your benefit. Being not specific enough Also, whenever sending your desire to the universe, you should be as specific as you can. When you know exactly what you want, the universe can create definite plans as to how the thing that you want will manifest in your life. So if, for example, you want to manifest a house, then you should know where the house will be located, how many rooms it has to have, how the garden will look like and so on. You should see it as clearly as you can in your mind so that it would look real to you already. When you are specific about what you want, you clear up your vibration and therefore you emanate the vibration to attract that specific thing in your life. Examples of how you can use the law of receiving To manifest money be ready and expecting all kinds of income sources, people giving you money and finding money on the street. You should say to the universe: ‘I am completely ready to receive plenty of money into my life’ and be happy and truly ready to receive it. To be happy – say to the universe that you are completely ready to receive happiness and be aware that it can come at any time. Look out for clues and signs of happiness so that you would know that you are on the right track. To become focused/goal oriented – every day write in a notebook (or a separate gratitude journal)how grateful you are for the universe for your ability to become better and better at focusing and accomplishing goals. This acts as an affirmation and starts a change in you. To lose weight – exercise and see in your mind yourself getting thinner and thinner. See your body as very fit and healthy. That especially applies when you eat. Usually when an overweight person eats, he sees himself as getting more overweight. That is such a big mistake! You should see yourself getting thinner even whilst you are eating. That’s a whole point! See yourself as losing weight as often as you can. Final observations and advice on the law of receiving When you do not notice the results of your intention, do not get frustrated. Sometimes it takes time for your desire to manifest, and that is absolutely normal. You should keep being ready no matter what you do because your desire can reach you at any moment. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. The same applies to the law of receiving. As soon as you are completely ready to receive your desire, it will come in no time. As if it was always there, just waiting for you to be ready. Learn more at: the11forgottenlaws/?p=6366
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:45:00 +0000

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