“The moment that one definitely commits one’s self, the - TopicsExpress


“The moment that one definitely commits one’s self, the Providence moves too.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe In response to my post on The Greatest Power in the Universe, someone wrote me and asked, “What is the difference between Intent and Will?” Man is man by virtue of willing. This is a very important question, especially in light of The Law of Attraction if you believe in it. The Law of Attraction teaches when you make an Intention, you draw it to you. I think the more clear “reality” is that you are brought to your Intention. What is moving – you or the thing intended? The thing intended has always been there. The difference is you are now ready to receive it or to be in presence with it. Let’s look at the definition of Intention. Intention, Intent and Purpose all mean a wish or desire that one means to carry out. Purpose implies having a goal or determination to achieve something. Determination is the root of Will. A goal is an anticipated outcome that guides your planned actions. So you set an Intention, a goal, and with that are planned actions to arrive at the anticipated outcome. Let’s use a story to illustrate. There is a traveler who has stopped on a road. The road is narrow and winding. The traveler can’t see very far down the road. Way off in the distance, the traveler can see the road climbing in a winding way up a mountain. The traveler is on a journey to the temple at the top of the mountain. The Intention of the traveler is to get to the top of the mountain. To do that, the traveler needs a map to find the way. The traveler is You. You see your Intention off in the distance. You know your Purpose is to get to that Intention. You don’t know How. You can’t see the road directly in front of you. What do you do? You Determine, or Set Your Will, that you will continue on the road. You do not know what will come your way, but you are determined no matter what that you will reach your Intention. Where there is no doubt and no fear, faith is expressed perfectly. This can be called Living Faith. Living Faith is different from practiced faith. Practiced faith is faith that you have but it is based on conditions. I will continue forward down the road IF…. Living Faith is absolute. It just IS. This is the path I must walk, so I will walk it. You, the traveler choosing to walk in Absolute Faith find as you go forward that there is a more direct path to the temple. What you perceived to be a long journey, you can complete in a very short time. This is Will moving to Intention. The way is made straight in Absolute Faith. This is why some people seem to manifest almost immediately. They align themselves almost instantly to their Intent. Will is a faculty of consciousness and especially of deliberate action. Will is the Power of control that the Mind has over its own actions and desires. Desire is a strong feeling or emotion that impels (moves one forward towards) you to the attainment or possession of the thing. Desire comes from the Latin that means “await what the stars will bring.” Literally, it is “from the stars.” Stars can be equated with Universe. “The carnal mind is enmity towards God.” (Rom 8:7) Carnal mind is Ego, the monkey mind. The Monkey Mind will dissuade you every time from following your inner guide, your spirit within, intuition or gut. The Monkey Mind creates Fear and Doubt and says Show Me How. It causes you to lack Absolute Faith. You need to put the Monkey Mind aside and learn to listen to your heart, your intuition, your inner guidance. The Mind needs to center within and commit to change. It needs to commit to being open and receptive to following spiritual guidance. It needs to believe, which is to know absolutely, that what it desires WILL BE. The Mind bypasses the Monkey Mind, it let’s go of Ego, allowing spirit to connect with spirit. You STEP OUT IN ABSOLUTE FAITH. What you Desire Is MANIFEST. The answer to the question, “What is the difference between Intent and Will,” is… Intent is the destination; Will is what propels you to reach your destination. “Not going out of the door I have knowledge of the world. Not peeping through the window I perceive heaven’s Tao. The more one wanders to a distance the less he knows. Therefore the wise man does not wander about but he understands, he does not see things but he defines them, he does not labor yet he completes.” Lao Tzu’s Tao and Wu Wei: Tao Te Ching 47 Seeing the Distant
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 15:55:06 +0000

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