“The price of individual liberty,” said Rose Wilder Lane, - TopicsExpress


“The price of individual liberty,” said Rose Wilder Lane, “is individual responsibility and insecurity. … When common men were slaves and serfs, they obeyed and they were fed, but they died by thousands in plagues and famines. Free men paid for their freedom by leaving that false and illusory security.” The only way that you, as an individual, can ever hope to be free — at least in mind and spirit, if not in body — is to know that you have earned everything you have received. Harry Browne had it right. You definitely can find freedom in an unfree world, but you must know where to look. Hint #1: The political sphere is not the right place. Hint #2: Take a peek in the mirror.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:54:46 +0000

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