~The voice of Winnie The Pooh is Jim Cummings. I would love to - TopicsExpress


~The voice of Winnie The Pooh is Jim Cummings. I would love to just have him talk to me throughout my day. ~well, i cant imagine being a truck driver. having to worry about that giant butt behind me...like a foreign entity-like kim kardashians butt....i always admire the skills of a truck driver. ~Do you ever feel like you like a Disney character? i carry the relemblance of Timon from the Lion King...and i think i like it. (ps-Pumba is absolutely the essence of comic relief...i mean...he is a cartoon and he farts) ~its almost summer and the frogs are out! they actually quack though...better than ducks do. ~i dont enjoy tanning. i get bored. i feel like i am trading time for image. however! i can find the patience to tan the front of my body, only because it is less akward and the temperature seems less intense (oh, and i feel that i will clog less pores this way) so how about someone invent a human rotisserie...where we can comfortably hammock ourselves to tan both sides? ~God. tiny, underdeveloped baby grapes are so cute. ~when i haphazardly cut a watermelon...i have found that each piece will take the shape of either a state or a country. i hastily cut a sweet red Oklahoma yesterday. ~I use Palm Olive Dish Detergent because my Mamaw Mona used it and still does. it reminds me of her. I also have an Old Spice Deodorant because it reminds me of my Papaw Stan Stanley L Martin...Rose scented lotion from my Mama Mary... keep the scents of your family close. ~wow! i forgot about armpit farts! i cant still do it! can you? (the thing where you allow a considerable amount of prespiration to give your palm the ability to cup the pit and achieve the audible illusion of a toot) ~4 out of 5 dentists. so what the heck does that 5th dentist say? all dentists line up..four of them say wow. dude i cant tell a difference! and the fifth says (and choose you won accent of dissapproval) Um yeah... i can see that this 30 year old male has used Crest Tartar Whitening rather than our expensive dentistry service. well, you are a douche bag and possibly a liar. total terd. ~My idea of hell is peeling garlic
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 04:15:43 +0000

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