*The wolf and the sheep* Training day- big - TopicsExpress


*The wolf and the sheep* Training day- big box office hit. Generated millions of dollars and brought in Academy awards for such great acting and performance on behalf of Mr. Denzel W.(a.k.a officer Alonzo Harris) He was a cop and he knew the ropes from being in that line of duty for quite some time. A rookie cop was assigned to him. He would begin to show him the ropes and give him the orientation that rookie cops undergo at the beginning of thier career. The rookie cop had great aspirations to succeed in the law enforcement field by putting his life on the line. His integrity as a cop meant more to him than getting away with a few dishonest transactions. While Mr. Denzel knew the law and quoted the law made dishonest gain from the law as he used his authority to back him up. The rookie had an eerie suspicion about officer Alonzo Harris actions and attitudes. It was not what he expected from a fellow cop. As time went by it became evident that this veteran of the game was not in it for the right reasons. He was under a guise of officer of the Law but his heart was not in it. Let me hit home with this message to the Christian world. Not everything that shines is gold. Dr. Jekyll was also Mr. Hyde, The Pharisees were important religious leaders that recieved utmost respect and held in high honor by the people in biblical times. But one day Jesus confronted them. He told them that on the outside they appeared righteous but on the inside thier heart was as dead mens bones- ouchy!!!! Is it possible to be surrounded by brothers and sisters in the same faith that are not truly on the same page? These believers are carnal and not truly in it as officer Alonzo Harris wasnt . Deception is rampant even more now as the Day approaches , the Day of the Lord. Bible clearly states in Matthew 24 that there will be false prophets in the last days. If you are a Christian and you live and you speak contrary to the truth then be very careful cause you might not even be aware that you are being decieved. Let us hold in high regard the things of God which are Holy. Reverence is a powerful word. In a court of law everyone shows reverence for the judge. There is silence and respect. Your honor is what those that go before the judge say. So how is it that a natural human judge recieves more honor from people than our true and Living Judge that holds the keys to Life and to Hell. Society has become as a spoiled brat that does not know manners or gratititude. Let us examine our hearts beloved brothers and sisters. Bible says, not me (Juan) : Jeremiah 17:9-10. “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord , search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.” Officer Alonzo Harris knew the Law and he knew the ropes but even then his heart did not allow him to serve and protect in a manner of loyalty. It was dishonest gain and crooked purposes. His conscience was seared. All the while the rookie (new believer) looked upon him and his actions feeling disappointment and discouragement. Im sure officer Alonzo began his career with good motives and intentions but along the way he became laxed and his heart calloused. It became routine to him. Lets get on our Ps and Qs church , let us not get laxed and turn our walk into a mere routine. It is dangerous ground cause the enemy comes and takes our spiritual senses and gets us into our carnal senses thus affecting those around us. It is so deceptive that the enemy makes us feel as if we are in the faith cause we still carry the title of Christian as the officer still carried his badge yet he was far gone and no longer in touch with the truth of the law. His love for his career was quenched just as the love for our Lord Jesus gets quenched by many. They have left thier first love and dont realize it. Let us search our hearts and ask God to put us under His microscope if you still have an ounce of care in you or we can end up like officer Alonzo Harris!!! What was his end? Wow. No bueno! Wolves in sheeps clothing. The sad thing is that many dont know they are wolves. Stand up church lets get revived and let us return to our first Love which is Jesus Christ. Amen. By the way before anyone judges or gets offended know this: I am not the author of my messages , it is God, His Holy Spirit gives me what to put on here and the scriptures back up what is said. With utmost love and respect. Signing out. Brother Juan Manzanares
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:35:25 +0000

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