“Then he which had received one talent came and said, Lord, I - TopicsExpress


“Then he which had received one talent came and said, Lord, I KNEW thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed”.(Matthew 25 vs 24). That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional Today. Today’s Focal Scripture focuses on the servant who got one talent from his Master, but did nothing with it. Two other servants also got talents but came back with profits, but this particular servant came back with his capital but no profits. While others made progress,he remained stagnant. Notice carefully that when this servant came to explain his failure to make profit, he declared that he knew that his master was a hard man. The word ‘KNEW’ is the past tense of ‘Know’. So, he cited what he knew in the past. His action was informed by what he knew about the master in the past. His choice of what to do with his talent was determined by past knowledge. He allowed his past to guide his present. The past resonated in his present. Isn’t it tragic that sometimes, we literally allow the past to become a guide for us in the present. We often allow past failures to determine our attitude towards new opportunities; we often allow past experiences to shape our present expectations. We often carry the garbage from the past into the present. Friend, hear God’s Counsel: Don’t allow any dysfunctional knowledge from your past to stampede you. Discard the sad memories of what happened to you in the past. Don’t allow what happened yesterday to define today. DON’T OPERATE IN THE PRESENT WITH THE MANUAL OF THE PAST! Apostle Paul ties it up in Philippians 3 vs 13,he says, “Brethren….but this one thing I do,forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before”. Pray with me, “Lord, I discard every dysfunctional knowledge from the Past that will affect my present and future in Jesus name”. Have a Lovely Wednesday!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 09:46:00 +0000

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