...These Times Of Preparation... September 9, 2014 Todays - TopicsExpress


...These Times Of Preparation... September 9, 2014 Todays Prayer Dear Jesus the mediator to the Father in Heaven, This day I lift up families to You. There are so many distractions in life. People get sidetracked by their own desires, the quest for more, what others think, trying to climb the ladder of success, activities and more activities, working too hard, illness, challenges and problems, and so on. We often become consumed with all of that and distracted from all that is most important. God, I pray that every person spending this time with You right now will see the need to make time for family, to acknowledge and show love for their loved ones, to prioritize their lives and obligations to focus on what would Jesus do. May we not become distracted by everything else. May we put You first, our marriage then families next, and everyone and everything else after. Please guide us, give us wisdom, and encourage us this day and in the days ahead. Within this day Jesus, lead...guide...direct and strengthen me that I will make and be the change NOW! Thank You for the lessons I have learned. Most of all, thank You for being there with me through it all and for carrying me all the way. Lord Jesus and my heavenly Father, thank You for my help meet...Genesis 2:18, my lover and friend-my wife...Thank You for her strength and abilities given by You. Continue to be her support and guide in a time such as these...Allow us to continue the growth in You that You have begun over 40 years ago in this union...Let not anything even attempt to destroy or come between us in any shape, form nor fashion...help us to remember too, Gods Demand For Obedience and Acceptance of His call... Thank You for hearing my prayer and for working in all of our lives. In Jesus name I pray and praise You. Amen September 9, 2014 Todays Devotional Good Morning All, The Way of God... Psalms 81: 9-13 (topic using these verse 13 KJV) 9 There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship any strange god. 10 I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. 11 But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me. 12 So I gave them up unto their own hearts lust: and they walked in their own counsels. 13 Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! God has a specific training ground for His leaders. There are approximately three patterns of preparation that have been common among most of Gods leaders. First, there is a time when the leader is separated from his old life. Consider Moses, Joseph, Abraham, and Paul. In order for God to mold and shape them into His nature, it appears that He had to remove them from the life of comfort. A teacher once said, You cannot go with God and remain where you are. Next, there is usually a time of solitude. God often brings leaders into a time of solitude in order to speak to them without other distractions. Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her. (Hosea 2:14 KJV) Paul was sent to Arabia for two years for a time of solitude. Joseph spent years in the solitude of prison. Moses spent 40 years in the desert herding sheep. The third characteristic of Gods preparation for leaders is discomfort. The setting in which the preparation takes place usually is not a place of comfort. Abraham traveled through the difficult deserts. David lived in caves fleeing Saul. Paul was frequently persecuted. Are you ready for the classroom of leadership preparation? If God chooses to bring you into this class, you may have one of three reactions to the events. First, you may say, I dont need it. Perhaps you know intellectually that you do need this, but God wants you to know it in your heart. Pride prevents us from entering this classroom. The second reaction may be, Im tired of it. You decide youve had enough. If so, this will disqualify you from leadership. Finally, Gods desired response from us in this preparation is, I accept it. To accept it with joy is the place of maturity in Christ. God often keeps us in these places until we come to accept and agree that Jesus is enough. Is He all you need? Like the people of Israel, I think we have something to do with the timetable of our education. Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries. (Psalms 81:13-14KJV) Are you ready for the process required for being a Godly leader? Ask for His grace to willingly embrace these times of preparation. Be Blessed...Stand for truth as God has said it...
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 09:23:34 +0000

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