~ This is EXACTLY how I celebrated My New Year last night for - TopicsExpress


~ This is EXACTLY how I celebrated My New Year last night for 2015, on my KNEE’S praying for YOU! ~ I am extremely serious when I tell you how I celebrated the New Year last night for 2015 and the photo I posted below captures exactly what I was doing when the clock read 12:00 am January 1, 2015! REAL TALK! No bottle of champagne or wine, No horns or music blasting in the background, No laughing and yelling singing New Years songs, No fat Blunt burning in my hand smelling good and tasty, No Nine millimeter or shot gun blasting in the backyard! Just me all alone on my knees praying for all of you and this Evil, Wicked World that plans to kill us all and their plan is underway. I have done this now for the last four years at 12:00 am January 1 and I enjoyed EVERY Moment of it all while being alone. Call me crazy, suicidal or depress if you like because I don’t care! I know EXACTLY who I AM and whose I AM and what my mission is here on earth and in this life and NO ONE can detour me, Im a TRUE Soldier willing to stand up and fight and die for the LOVE of the Most High so get out of my way! If you all knew what I know you too would have joined me in prayer and you probably would have brought your family along too because they face the same danger that you and I do so we all would have been all praying together and praising the Most High asking for His forgiveness, protection and guidance in such a terrible time that we face ahead. It’s a VERY , VERY lonely life living a Kodesh (Set Apart Life) primarily because No ONE understands you and just thinks you are just on some spiritual kick thinking that you are better than everyone else and the Most High ONLY speaks to YOU and NOT anyone else, youre WRONG! However’ that’s NOT true at all! The Most High speaks to you too but the difference is I obey His voice and You Don’t! That’s the ONLY difference! The Most High is speaking to a lot of people but most people are so much into their selves and the happiness of this world that they miss their calling and their assignment because they refuse to listen to that little voice that is telling you to fix your life and began to live for Him! Please read 1-John 2:15 It comes a time in all of our life when you will reach a crossroad and you will be forced to make a decision to either serve the Most High or serve the Most Low and your salvation will hang in the balance. I reached that point many years ago and now all I do is focus on pleasing Him and think less on pleasing myself and when you get to that point then everyone around you will notice the difference because you’re NOT the same and they will probably leave you are STOP coming around. Driving the big cars doesnt matter anymore; living in the fancy fine houses in the suburb doesnt matter anymore. Having all the name brand cloths and shoes in your closet doesnt matter anymore. Having a job paying six figures a year doesnt matter anymore. Having jewelry and lots of money in your pocket doesnt matter anymore, it just doesnt MATTER and Hebrews 13:5 will help me explain it to you, please go read it! When you are truly, truly Set Apart your life around you changes completely because you are willing to GIVE IT ALL UP or AWAY because material things of this world don’t MATTER ANYMORE! Anyone that truly knows me knows that at one point in my life all those things did matter to me and I pursued them daily like a use to pursue women which is relentlessly and none stop! Having a woman does NOT matter to me anymore either because finding someone that will understand me and my lifestyle now will be very, very difficult and I would NOT blame her for not understanding it but that’s why I’m prepared to go this journey alone pleasing the Heavenly Father ONLY if I must because I will NOT look back, I have a JOB to do for the Most High and i cant look BACK or be held BACK! PLEASING the Most High is all that I care about and I’m good with my life as it is. If the Most High blesses me with a GOOD, YHWH FEARING spiritual Women that PUTS HIM first place in HER life and seeks His face DAILY as I do than lets do this, but I’m prepared to fight this spiritual battle ALONE if I must! As you all know I work for myself and have a very small successful product Fragrance Business in stores in three states that provides me a modest life and I’m good with things as they are! I LOVE not working or depending on ANY MAN to feed my family and I and I thank the Most High for His blessing. I prayed for you all this morning because many of you are still asleep and snoring hard and in a deep sleep concerning this TRUTH! I prayed that many of you would get tired of living a lie and want to know who you truly are in Him! I prayed that you all would NOT get caught up in your sin and perish for a lack of knowledge and the desire to change your life and live for Him. I prayed that you all would stop playing with your salvation and be willing to live a Kodesh (Set Apart) Life pleasing to the Most High as you followed His commands daily and called Him and His ONLY Son by their actual Set Apart Names which is YHWH the great Ayah (I AM) and Creator of this world and Ayahshua Ha Messiah His Son that died just for you. I prayed that you would receive the Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) that lives in YOU and I today once your saved and that rose Ayahshua from the DEAD thousands of years ago which means being born from ABOVE before it was too late! I prayed that His will would be done in ALL of our lives and that this Great Tribulations that will soon began, will bring on His Reign which I live and will die for! I prayed for strength, I prayed for guidance in all that I do, I prayed for YOU! I prayed for LOVE and understanding, I prayed for forgiveness to others and that others will forgive me for my short comings. I PRAYED for YOU and your Family! If you ask me how I ended my prayer? I will tell you how and it was in the Name of Ayahshua Ha Messiah because His Name Ayahshua Means, I AM Salvation and that’s what my prayer this morning was all about, SALVATION! Pray for me as I continue to Pray for YOU please! Pray for the year of Jubilee 2015 thats in front of us and the Most Highs Mercy on us ALL, were going to need it! Shalom=Peace!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:18:46 +0000

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