This is a long one but a must read ,.....ALEXEY KUNIN MARTIAL - TopicsExpress


This is a long one but a must read ,.....ALEXEY KUNIN MARTIAL ARTS FRAUD REPORT. Up Dated with the Russian IMAF Connection THE AJJIF SCAM. Alexey Kunin has been running the AJJIF scam since 2007 and has taken money fraudulently from people worldwide. It is now time to inform martial artists worldwide of this scam. Below is the story of Mr Alexey Kunin and his fraudulent All Japan Ju Jitsu International Federation better known as the AJJIF. GRADING STATUS. It has now been shown that all of Alexey Kunin’s Dan gradings are fake. He has never physically undertaken an official Dan grading. Below is what we at Clark Trueman have uncovered about Mr Alexey Kunins grading history over the many months that this page has been operating. We would like to thank all the friends of this page that have contributed information and made this article possible. The information gathered proves that Mr Kunins list of grading achievements is false and miss leading. Taken from the following link: 1982 received 1st black belt in Judo. After extensive research no proof can be found of this being awarded to Mr Kunin and to quote Sensei Nori Bunasawa: he clearly stated that “AJJIF Kunin is not 10TH Dan Kodakan Judo and is not even black belt in Judo”. 1982 received 1st black belt in Karate After extensive research no proof can be found of this rank being awarded to Alexey Kunin. 1983 received 1st black belt in Ju-Jitsu from O-Sensei Kano/Kenta Tenamura 10 Dan Katabami Ju-Jitsu This is a fictitious person that Alexey Kunin made up to suit his needs. We have conducted extensive research on Kano/Kenta Tenamura and there is no record of such a person living in the USA of for that matter in the death records of 2000 which is when Mr Kunin on his web site says he passed away. 1987 received 2 Dan in Ju-Jitsu from O-Sensei Kano/Kenta Tenamura 10 Dan Katabami Ju-Jitsu This is a fictitious person that Alexey Kunin made up to suit his needs.” 1990 received 3 Dan in Ju-Jitsu from O-Sensei Kano/Kenta Tenamura 10 Dan Katabami Ju-Jitsu This is a fictitious person that Alexey Kunin made up to suit his needs.” 1997 received Certificate of a Master 5 Dan in JuJitsu from O-Sensei Kano/Kenta Tenamura 10 Dan Katabami Ju-Jitsu This is a fictitious person that Alexey Kunin made up to suit his needs.” 1997 received 5 Dan in Ju-Jitsu from Professor Wally Jay 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu. Not true Alexey Kunin only had his picture taken at a seminar with Professor Wally Jay. He never trained with Professor Jay or received any certification from him. Confirmation of this has already been posted on our page in the form of an article and photos of the messages received from the Small Circle Ju Jitsu organisation. 1999 received 6 Dan in Judo from O-Sensei Phil Porter, 9 Dan Judo. “under investigation” but highly unlikely he would have been officially graded as his Judo skills are of a very low standard. Unfortunately Phil Porter was seen in the later days of his career as a seller of rank by many and if there is truth to this then Mr Kunin most probably paid for his ranks. 1999 received 6 Dan in Kenpo Karate from O-Sensei Phil Porter10 Dan Kenpo Karate “under investigation” but highly unlikely he would have been officially graded as his Karate skills are of a very low standard. Unfortunately Phil Porter was seen in the later days of his career as a seller of rank by many and if there is truth to this then Mr Kunin most probably paid for his ranks. 2000 received 6 Dan in Ju-Jitsu from O-Sensei Kano/Kenta Tenamura 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu, Head of Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu, Japan. “Kano/Kenta Tenamura” is a fictitious person that Alexey Kunin made up to suit his needs.” Please note that he also supposedly received “Menkyo Kaiden Katabami Ju Jitsu” from his fictitious master prior to him passing away in that same year. 2002 received 7 Dan in Ju-Jitsu from O- Sensei Phil Porter 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu, “Under investigation” but highly unlikely he would have been officially graded as his Ju Jitsu skills are of a very low standard. Unfortunately Phil Porter was seen in the later days of his career as a seller of rank by many and if there is truth to this then Mr Kunin most probably paid for his ranks. 2003 received 7 Dan in Judo from U.S. Judo Federation and O-Sensei Phil Porter 10 Dan “Under investigation” but highly unlikely he would have been officially graded as his Judo skills are of a very low standard. Unfortunately Phil Porter was seen in the later days of his career as a seller of rank by many and if there is truth to this then Mr Kunin most probably paid for his ranks. 2004 received 8 Dan in Ju-Jitsu and title of HANSHI from Professor Soke Boedeker Siegfried 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu ( Germany) Boedeker is just as big a fraud as Alexey Kunin. He is a certificate collector with no substance. Why did he go to Boedeker when he could have been graded by O- Sensei Phil Porter, something smells even more fishy. All in all Mr Alexey Kunin is nothing but a fraud. He has no authentic grading certificates and just bluffs his way through seminars using techniques he picks up along the way. He basically shows the same old stuff every where he goes and this is very evident if you study his You Tube and Photo propaganda. NOTE. Phil Porter discussions found on the net. We have had no confirmation by any friends of this page on Phil Porter as of the time of this article going to post and have only placed the information in this article for your consideration and input. See links below. martialartsplanet/forums/showthread.php?t=99808&page=2 Regardless of O’Sensei Phil Porters involvement it is clear that all other grades claimed by Mr Alexey Kunin are fraudulent. MENKYO KAIDEN He claims Menkyo Kaiden status in two different styles, the first Katabami Ju Jitsu a non existent form of Ju Jitsu from Kenta/Kano Tanemura a fictitious person and supposedly deceased and secondly Ha Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu from John DeNora now deceased so also can not speak the truth. The Menkyo Kaiden from John DeNora was supposedly presented by Toney Raven on behalf of Gunshi John Williams and the right for this to happened has been question by many people very close to John Denora and this was the stand out reason why Mr Alexey Kunin was rejected by the World Head Sokeship Council. The Menkyo Kaidens were both supposedly presented in private ceremonies. Frauds normally create a situation where certificates are presented in private ceremonies so that it sound official but it also makes it hard to prove as there are no witnesses other than those that are in the frauds inner circle. Mr Kunin also claims Dai Yokoyori Gunshi Saigo Ha Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu ( Senior Military Adviser to the Military Commander of the Great Eastern Army) , given by GUNSHI DR. JOHN J. WILLIAMS of Saigo Ha Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu, 34th Generation Headmaster / Head Family of Daito Ryu Aikibudo. Mr Alexey Kunin has never actually met Gunshi Williams he just paid him $1000 Canadian and discussed everything over the telephone. This information was gained directly from Mr Kunin when he was questioned by the Australians on the 27th of July 2013 and is documented in the minutes taken at that meeting with Mr Kunin. He has honorary Dan grades that have been give not earnt. He also has certificates that contain forged signatures, have been revoked due to his dubious martial arts background and others that have been awarded to him by his close grading circle of supporters. THE GUNSHI WILLIAMS CONNECTION Gunshi Williams Rank and title price list. This is where Mr Alexey Kunin got his start. Taken directly from the web How to become certified as 1st generation founder • Send in your application form (you can sign it & scan it, sent as email) • Send DVD of your system ( via mail or email attachment) • Send your resume • Send payment via western union or bank transfer (Canadian funds) • Send 2 photos (passport style) to put on certifications • Send in signed agreement (you can sign it & scan it, sent as email) What you will receive: • Your own family mon design (a traditional family crest/ emblem design) • Your personalized headfounder certificate (in Japanese) • A translation of what your certificates says • A certificate saying you can teach Daito-Ryu • A certificate saying you can teach MMA • A dojo licenses (saying you are officially registered with the WDRF) • A certificate saying you are the personal student of Gunshi Williams • A membership card in the World Daito-Ryu Federation • A photo of Gunshi to display on your wall • The headfounders information book REQUIREMENTS • Must be minimum of 25 years old • Must be free from criminal record (supply background check from police) • Must hold a blackbelt rank of 2nd degree or higher • Must have at 25 students • Must register all students with the WDRF • Must Incorporate one WDRF kata into system • Must not advertise membership in any other Soke board than the WDRF • Must supply name of person designated to succeed you • Must organize dojo according to WDRF guidelines • Must use information handbook • All blackbelt gradings must be issued through the WDRF (You test, use own requirements, but issue two diplomas, one from your dojo, one from the WDRF but the WDRF does not interfere with the grading in any way!) Fees • Full registration package ........................ $1000.00 Canadian • Blackbelt grading certificates......................................................$100.00 • We design personal student diplomas, many designs .......$100.00 • We supply gis & other supplies • The Gunshi and assistant will give seminars worldwide for a weekend at $3000 plus travel & lodging costs ! (He can give seminars on anything you want from karate, to judo, jujitsu, grappling, MMA, striking, boxing, etc...) see his background resume here! This will all feel very familiar for those who were unfortunate enough to have had dealings with Mr Kunin. As stated early it is like AMWAY for martial arts. THE PROFESSOR WALLY JAY CONNECTION Below is the response we received from their official Mr John Mellon Technical Adviser to Professors Wally and Leon Jay. We have also posted a picture of the original message and response ON Clark Trueman and Ajjif Freeman facebook pages to show the evidence of this correspondence between us and the Small Circle Ju jitsu Organisation. Request for information. Clark Trueman. Hello Can you please tell me if OSensei Alexey Kunin from the All Japan Ju jitsu International Federation was trained and recognized by Professor Wally Jay. He has made this claim and we wish to confirm if this is true and accurate. Kind regards Clark Reply from Small Circle Ju Jitsu John Mellon Technical Adviser to Professors Wally and Leon Jay Hello, Clark - thanks for liking the page and for your query. Sensei Kunins student approached us some time ago now asking for renewed certification, telling us that his teacher had unfortunately lost that issued by the Professor. Prof. Leon Jay was unable to find any record of his having received certification from his father, Prof. Wally, although he did recall him mentioning that Sensei Kunin had trained with him on a seminar. Prof. Wally was very careful to keep detailed records, so the absence of this is significant. It would have been consistent with Prof. Wallys character for him to have praised Sensei Kunins skills, but it would take a significant amount of training with him for him to have issued certification of recognition. We would in no way wish to denigrate Sensei Kunins skills, but we believe that these should be taken on their own merits, rather than on an apparent status within the Small Circle Jujitsu organisation. Prior to his passing, Prof. Wally gave Prof. Leon the remit of growing the organisation, which during his lifetime was widely recognised, but small in terms of fully qualified instructors. Virtually all of these are in the U.S. and the U.K., with one in France, and others working towards their instructor qualifications in other countries, such as Canada, and still more signing up to the Small Circle Concepts Programme to teach that elsewhere. Hope that is a helpful clarification; if you are ever in need of checking someones credentials then the official SC website:smallcirclejujitsu is the only reliable source. Best Regards, John Mellon Technical Adviser to Professors Wally and Leon Jay Official Black Belt list for Small circle Ju Jitsu link smallcirclejujitsu/people/blackbelts/ As suspected Mr Kunin had most probably just had his photo taken with Professor Wally Jay at a seminar. Just more lies from the scamurai. THE WORLD HEAD OF FAMILY SOKE COUNCIL CONNECTION Below is Sensei Sanchez’s response to an article we posted about a certificate Alexey Kunin has on his web page. This is Sensei Sanchez of the World Head of Family Sokeship Council. Pardon my intrusion on your forum Sensei. A member reported your research into this certificate given out by my WHFS Council. The certificate was given out and later rescinded along with his name on our roster because of some inconsistencies that we uncovered. The initial investigation into Mr. Kunin’s background was not complete enough & as is our habit, we will remove any member whose background or morality is in question even after gaining membership. The question that arose among others was his inheriting the system of our long time deceased member, Professor John DeNora. I was a personal friend of DeNora and know the Mechlings who were long time personal students of DeNora. Suffice it to say that we were not really convinced of this claim which lead to his removal and the deletion of his name from our membership scroll. THE BOEDEKER CONNECTION Professor Soke Boedecker 10th Dan Martial Arts Ghost. This is the guy that Alexey Kunin claims graded him to 8th Dan Ju Jitsu in 2004. See 2004 received 8 Dan in Ju-Jitsu and title of HANSHI from Professor Soke Siegfried Boedeker 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu ( Germany ) This guy is a ghost. No one can find him or his school. He has a habit of sending out certificates to martial artists with the aim of them sending them the equivalent rank in their style. He has been featured on Bullshido and they had the same problem as us, you just can not find this guy. See link below. Soke Siegfried Boedeker is obviously a rank collector with no substance and for him to promote Alexey Kunin to 8th Dan is just a joke. We do not believe that Alexey Kunin and Siegfried Boedeker have ever actually met. Siefried Boedeker has had involvement with Kunin since he created the IFMAOM See following link from a cached IFMAOM site. zoominfo/CachedPage/?archive_id=0&page_id=1201767041& Siefried Boedeker was also at one time on the AJJIF site but we believe that Mr Kunin got a little worried about being associated with another fraud and removed him. THE WTFSFK CONNECTION Ionel Bara is Alexey Kunins ticket into areas that he has not yet plundered. Ionel Bara is Kunins number one puppet at the present time. Whilst he has to date as far as we can tell only received one certificate from from Alexey Kunin it is to be noted that it is 8th Dan in Karate. We think that they can justify this because Mr Kunin has been made president of their grading committee (what a Joke) All this a side Ionel Bara is implicated in promoting the AJJIF and has gained Alexey Kunin the Vice Presidents position within the WTFSKF. Kunin will be beside himself having the title of Vice President as that meets his delusions of grandeur needs very well. Kunin is very cleaver when it comes to net working and he has chosen and preened Ionel Bara quite well. THE YURI SMIRNOV AND THE IMAF CONNECTION. This is Alexey Kunins link to the IMAF in Russia. This again was a difficult person to find any real evidence relating to obtaining the grades that he claims. We have compiled what we could find within the organisations that he is affiliated to, one of course is the AJJIF. There are conflicting dates and discrepancies as well of what rank he is recognised at. This is to be expected of most people who associated with Kunin. The earliest record we could find was as below. Yuri was then reported to be 6th dan Judo and Tai Jutsu. Bujutsu Camp in Liepaja 2011 On May 7 and 8, Satori team consisting of 10 people and guided byDmitry Pudov participated in the 2nd Bujutsu International Camp in Liepaja (Latvia). The camp gathered such jujutsu masters as: • Jan-Erik Karlsson (Sweden) 10 Dan (bujutsu) • Nebojsa Jovanovic (Sweden) 8 Dan (jujutsu & taichi) • Sergejs Kolmakovs (Latvia) 8 Dan (combat-jujutsu) • Igor Zaytsev (Russia/Latvia) 7 Dan (aiki-jujutsu & koryu jujutsu) • Yuri Smirnov (Russia) 6 Dan (kodokan judo & tai-jutsu) Information taken from the link below In 2013 he was listed by KOBUDO CENTER LATVIA as follows and please see attached links to review this evidence. Judo Russia Smirnov, Yuri 6th Dan Karate-Do All Styles Russia Smirnov, Yuri 5th Dan This evidence contradicts the next record from the AJJIF seen below: Taken from Kunis web page. October 2012 Shihan Yury Smirnov 7 Dan Tai-Jutsu, 7 Dan Judo, 6 Dan Ju-Jitsu, 6 Dan Shotokan Karate, AJJIF Representative - Executive Director ( Russia ), And then again from the AJJIF web page March 2013 Hanshi Yuri Smirnov 8th Dan Ju-Jitsu, AJJIF Director of Eurasia, AJJIF Representative ( Russia ), President of IMAF EURASIA, Member of Katabami Ju-Jitsu Clan THAT IS AN UP GRADE FROM 6TH DAN JU JITSU TO 8TH DAN JU JITSU IN JUST FIVE MONTHS!!!!! EXTRORDANARY!!!! Time Line: 2011 6th Dan Judo 6th Dan Tai Jutsu 2012 7th Dan Tai-Jutsu, 7th Dan Judo, 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu, 6th Dan Shotokan Karate, 2013 8th Dan Ju-Jitsu So in the end it is about time between gradings and how many styles you can train in in one year. Yuri must be an exceptional martial artist with lots of time on his hands to be able to achieve such high ranks in no less that four different styles. So in 2011 Yuri was 6th Dan in Judo and 6th Dan in Tai Jutsu Then in 2012 he was 7th Dan Tai-Jutsu, 7th Dan Judo, 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu, 6th Dan Shotokan Karate. AJJIF But in 2013 he was, depending on which site you chose to believe: 8th Dan Ju Jitsu AJJIF 6th Dan Judo and 5th Dan Karate KOBUDO CENTER LATVIA Break down He achieved the following: Ju Jitsu 6th Dan to 8th Dan in five months Judo 6th Dan to 7th Dan in one year Tai Jutsu 6th Dan to 7th Dan in one year Shotokan Karate 6th Dan no training time evident so zero days. Once again we will leave it up to you to ponder this evidence. Do you believe he is legitimate, has he really achieved these ranks or just been given them (paid Kunin for them). OTHER CLAIMS This one made us CRINGE; now he is a Russian healer and Reiki Master, who does Psychic readings. Is there any thing this guy can not do????? DR. ALEXEY KUNIN, N.D., Ph.D. Tarzana, CA 91356 (213) 850-7083 Russian healer, laying on hands healing, psychic reading; certified Reiki training classes. Taken from the link below. bodhitree/sites/default/files/userfiles/Bodhi.Tree.Guide.To.Community.Resources.2011.pdf DR. ALEXEY KUNIN (Alias Guru Ramaji) Taken directly from the web page. zoominfo/p/Alexey-Kunin/225461816 Dr. Alexey Kunin (Alias Guru Ramaji) has been practicing and teaching Physical Restoration & Energy Healing, Natural Medicine, Mysticism, Spirituality and Metaphysics for over 30 years.(if this were true he had to have started practicing and teaching at approximately 15 years of age.) His healing abilities came to him at a very young age (must have been about 10 years of age so add child prodigy to the list) and was improved, strengthened, and refined over the years. Energy Healing is a Multi-dimensional healing; physical & spiritual. By transmitting a powerful field of spiritual healing energy to the individual, inducing physical healing process and profound spiritual & emotional healing. It reaches core problems on the deepest cellular, molecular and energetic levels: to heal, balance and harmonize body, mind, spirit. Guru Ramaji (Dr. Alexey Kunin) is an internationally renowned Healer & Teacher, spiritual director of the Shambhala Center. (He is not mentioned in any of their lists of teachers let alone spiritual leader) Sensei Kunin katabami-jujitsu, 13 Sept 2006 Dr. Alexey Kunin received a classical education in USSR and the United States. He studied Natural Science and Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California (can you enrol at 15 years of age?). He graduated from U.S. Army Medical School, Academy of Health Sciences in San Antonio, Texas. He received a degree as a Physical and Occupational Therapist Specialist, specializing in Behavioral Science. Dr. Alexey Kunin later worked for highly prestigious hospitals,UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute in Los Angeles, CA andPresidential Hospital, Kazakstan, Asia. (very hard to believe) Dr. Kunin received honorary degrees, Doctor of Natural Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Arts, from the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Oriental Studies, Republic of Kazakstan, Asia.He is a Natural Medicine & Health Consultant for the Asian Government. ( was suspended by the NBCOT 18th of October 2010) Grand Master Kunin for more than 29 years has been training and teaching Combat Ju-Jitsu under the World Famous Martial Arts Grand Masters and Experts. He is a former military, Gulf War Veteran. Sensei Alexey Kunin taught Combat Ju-Jitsu to the U.S. Army Special Forces and Special Operations & Medical Personnel during the Gulf War in 1991.After the Gulf War and Military Service he taught Combat Ju-Jitsu, Martial Arts and Self-Defense to Government Agencies and high profile Celebrities. Grand Master Kunin taught Combat Ju-Jitsu Restraining & Control Techniques to LAPD Officers, DEA Agents, FBI Agents, CIA and Counter Terrorists Agents. (this sound very delusional) He is a former Martial Arts / Combat Ju-Jitsu Instructor & Consultant for the Warner Brothers Studios Security & Protection Group, Former Head of Protection & Security for Versace, world famous elite Italian fashion house located on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. His Martial Arts / Ju-Jitsu experience, knowledge, skill and expertise was recognized on the National and International Levels. In February 2003Alexey Kunin received Presidential Sports Award from the President of the United States, George Bush. ... Alexey Kunin worked on the following Movies Premiers, Fashion Shows and Hollywoods Red Carpet Special Events as the Bodyguard. Providing Protection & Security for High Profile Celebrities, Hollywood Executives and Movies Studios: TAI CHI MASTER. An advertisement from Alexey Kunin advertising his Taiwanese Tai chi , Chan Pan Ling style classes . Katabami Ju-Jitsu Dojo (6767 Sunset Blvd., Suite 7; 323-957-1022) offers a wide range of martial arts and meditative practices, including Japanese ju-jitsu (gentle skill), Himalayan Hatha yoga and restorative therapy. Sensei Alexey Kunin is one of only two instructors in the U.S. who teaches the Taiwanese form of t’ai chi, chan pan ling. This can be found on the link below. Note that he claims he is one of only two instructors in the USA. laweekly/1999-05-13/news/l-a-transcendental/ But if you check out the link below you will find there are many people in the USA teaching this art. We can not find his name anywhere that confirms he has ever studied this art. ALEXEY KUNIN’S LEVEL OF MARTIAL ARTS SKILL. He has been estimated to be at blue belt level by many martial artists worldwide. His skills and knowledge of martial arts are very limited. When demonstrating at seminars he uses the same standard techniques every where he goes. If asked to demonstrate higher level techniques he will retort with “that would not be fair to the lower grades at the seminar”. His demonstrations of pressure points are estimated at Yellow belt level and his throwing technique and knowledge of the actual names of Throws is very poor. He claims 10th Dan in Karate and his kicking and punching ability is substandard. Mr Alexey Kunin can not be considered a highly ranked martial artist in any of the styles he claims, it is simply not true. Organisations such as the USA Ju Jitsu Federation, World Ju Jitsu Federation, World Ju Jitsu Kobudo Organization, United States Judo Association and many others will have nothing to do with Mr Alexey Kunin and do not recognise him in any way, shape or form. SO HOW DOES HE GET AWAY WITH IT? Mr Alexey Kunin is no different to any other conman, he has the gift of the gab and he uses an elaborate Web page and extensive You Tube and photographic images to create what seems to be a legitimate organisation. Alexey Kunin has many opportunist photographs taken at seminars with noted martial artist and these are used to make people think he has been trained by them and this is just not the case. There are hundreds of photos depicting all thing Japanese and Mr Kunin himself has admitted that he has never been to Japan. His You Tube footage is cleverly edited to try and disguise his poor technique. His web page contains many fictitious names to boost the numbers in different countries throughout the world. There are many well know martial artists on his web page that are either deceased of have no knowledge that they are named on his page. Mr Kunin has even had the cheek to use official Japanese Government personals names on his web site without their consent. Mr Kunin has also place a large array of certificates and other awards on his web page for all to see. This looks very impressive to the uninformed but on closer inspection you will find many inconsistencies. In simple terms his claimed achievements are as fake as he is. Mr Alexey Kunin is also good at using others to demonstrate at seminars thus taking the pressure of him. He always chooses a light weight partner so that he does not encounter too much resistance when demonstrating his poor technique. He is cunning. FALSE MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS ON THE AJJIF WEB PAGE After extensive research in conjunction with our friends in Australia we have now come up with the results of checking out the names for Australian members that appear on the AJJIF web site. As stated previously on this page all Australia clubs, organisations and their members resigned from the AJJIF on the 27th of July 2013. Mr Kunin was contacted by each individual and asked to remove their names from his web site. To this day some still remain and to add insult to injury Mr Kunin has place fictitious name on his site to make it appear as though he has support in Australia. The following lists indicate the situation as it stands today. Resigned members. SENSEI DUSTIN HOPPE / AUSTRALIA - Jujitsu SENSEI TONY SCARD / AUSTRALIA - Ju-Jitsu SENSEI GEORGE KALANTZI / AUSTRALIA - Ju-Jitsu SEMPAI TAI DAVID / AUSTRALIA SENSEI JOSEPH LOGOZZO / AUSTRALIA - Ju-Jitsu SEMPAI TONY RIMMER / AUSTRALIA - Ju-Jitsu SENSEI RICARDO ANDERSON / AUSTRALIA – Karate SENSEI JIM OLIVER Ju Jitsu HANSHI MATTHEW KOMP Fictitious names. RENSHI WILLIAM WILSON / AUSTRALIA - Kenpo Karate RENSHI LACHLAN JONES / AUSTRALIA - Kenpo Karate RENSHI JACK TAYLOR / AUSTRALIA – Hapkido SENSEI GEORGE KALANTZI / AUSTRALIA - Ju-Jitsu SENSEI COOPER ANDERSON / AUSTRALIA – Hapkido SENSEI NATE WALKER / AUSTRALIA - Kenpo Karate SENSEI KAI THOMAS / AUSTRALIA - Kenpo Karate SENSEI RYDER LEE / AUSTRALIA - Hapkido SENSEI OSCAR HARRIS / AUSTRALIA - Hapkido SENSEI LEO ROBINSON / AUSTRALIA - Kenpo Karate SENSEI OLIVIA ABBOTT / AUSTRALIA - Ju-Jitsu SENSEI MIA TROTT / AUSTRALIA - Ju-Jitsu SENSEI ANTHONY KING / AUSTRALIA - Hapkido SENSEI GABRIEL KING / AUSTRALIA - Hapkido SENSEI MAX KELLY / AUSTRALIA - Kenpo Karate SENSEI CAMERON WHITE / AUSTRALIA - Kenpo Karate SENSEI OWEN MARTIN / AUSTRALIA - Kenpo Karate SENSEI ROSE WAGER / AUSTRALIA - Ju-Jitsu PETER ROYLE SIMON LANE JOHN JONES AMIT BASRUR ISABELLA MESTRE PAUL JONES DARREN JONES MIRKO CULIC SCOTT LOGAN RUSSELL JOHNSON ANTONIO MESTRE MATHEW ROMEO RICKY BATES SUE HUDSON HOLLY-ANNE WILLIAMS LEANNE REED JASON ROMEO DAMIEN MAGEE ANTHONY DAVID SMITH CHRIS MUSCARI TAI DAVID CHRIS FILPCZUK MATHEW BABER MICHAEL PETTY ANDREW NICHOLAS NETES TIFFANY SHEPPARD BRAD WHITE CHARLIE DAVID JASON LESTER MENTOR EJUPI BILL DAVIES LIAM JAGIELSKI ROB DONALD WILLIAM ZAMORA KARINA MCDERMOTT GRAHAM SAUNDERS JAMIE TAPLIN GEORGE KALANTZI MARIO JURILJ JOSEPH LOGOZZO SONIA SONDA MARK A. ASKHAM MELISSA MILNE BILL STEFOPOULOS ROBERT NEDELKOV HEATHER MARCUS JOHN PAPAIOANNOU TROY JOHNSON DINO RIMANTHO JOSHUA NGUYEN COOPER ANDERSON KAI THOMAS RYDER LEE As you can see quiet a long list. I suggest that other countries put their lists together as well to show the world what Mr Kunin is doing to fool people. AJJIF WHAT HAPPENED IN AUSTRALIA. For some time Australian members of the All Japan Ju Jitsu International Federation (AJJIF) based in Los Angeles America have had a number of concerns in relation to the policies and procedures of the AJJIF and the various ranks and titles claimed by Mr Alexey Kunin the president and head (founder) of the supposedly not for profit organisation. Due to these concerns it was decided to arrange a meeting with Mr Kunin at the Australian AJJIF seminar on the 27th of July 2013. Mr Kunin was contacted prior to him leaving for Australia and he was made aware of the concerns and asked if he would meet with us after the seminar. He agreed to the meeting and also to the request for him to produce at the meeting his certificates and proof of his titles and all lower grades to show us his martial arts history On the 27th of July the meeting was held with Mr Kunin, the then Vice President and Australian Representative Hanshi Bruce Haynes, the previous Vice President and Australian Representative Sensei Dave Franklin and other Senior Australian instructors all of who were life members of the AJJIF at the time of the meeting. The meeting was conducted with an Agenda and Minutes were taken to ensure that the meeting was conducted in a fair and amicable way. Mr Kunin was at all times treated respectfully and given the chance to speak freely. The now former AJJIF Australia members discussed at length the various concerns and issues related to his personal grade levels, titles and where all the money collect on behalf of the not for profit organisation goes etc. The responses to the questions asked of Mr Kunin were far from satisfactory and in a lot of cases just did not add up. The information he gave us, the certification presented (which was extremely limited and did not show any of his lower grades which would have indicated his history in martial arts) and photographs etc were far from satisfactory to support his claims. As a direct result of the meeting held with Mr Kunin on the 27th of July 2013 all Australian Martial Arts schools affiliated to the AJJIF decided to resign. Subsequently Mr Kunin was informed by email by both the schools and each individual member of those schools that they had formally resigned from the AJJIF, had destroyed and renounced all AJJIF certification, Titles and Life Memberships. Mr Kunin was also asked by the Schools and individual members to remove their names, photographs, video footage etc from all AJJIF web sites, other mediums and literature. To date Mr Kunin is avoiding the removal of all of the Australian members names and has indeed added fictitious names to the Australian members list and further video footage to his web site. Mr Kunin will not answer our emails in relation to this issue. We believe that Mr Kunin will not remove the Australian names because it will show a drop in his membership list and cause other members across the world to question and leave his shonky organisation. Further investigations carried out with Martial Arts Instructors world wide have disclosed more and more evidence of Mr Kunins fraudulent activities. A large number of the people we contacted from his official members list were not aware they were named on his site and in some cases had never heard of Alexey Kunin. Of course he still has some staunch supporters who carry weight in high places but we guess they are so entrenched in this situation that they can not see away out without making themselves a laughing stock in the martial arts world. In our experience Martial Artists are normally of good character and very good practitioners of their chosen art. Unfortunately Mr Alexey Kunin is tainting the name of Martial arts on a worldwide scale. If you visit his web site ( you will see what appears to be a most grandiose organisation but when you dig deeper you find that it is a total deception. People worldwide have fallen for his deceptive double talk and promises of rank recognition, all of which of course for a substantial fee. He claims 80 countries and numerous Grand Master within his ranks, and yes some appear on his web site but unfortunately a lot of these people have not even met Mr Alexey Kunin little lone joined his organisation. He has even included Government officials on his site without their permission and whats more he has given them titles and positions within his organisation without their knowledge. Of late Mr Kunin is running scared and sanitising his web pages in an effort to cover up what is happening here in Australia and to some extent worldwide. This man needs to be exposed for who he is and for the damage he has caused not just here in Australia but throughout the world. MINUTES FROM THE AUSTRALIAN MEETING WITH ALEXEY KUNIN THE TANEMURA MENKYO KAIDEN” Menkyo Kaiden – Katabami JuJitsu - Given to Mr. Kunin, 8th July 1999 (in a private ceremony) from Grandmaster KENTA Tanemura. HOWEVER…….. In 2005, Mr Kunin had a webpage, that declared he had been graded to 5th Dan in 1997, then to 6th Dan in 2000, by Grandmaster KANO Tanemura 1997 received Certificate of a Master 5 Dan in JuJitsu from Grand Master Kano Tenamura 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu, Head of Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu, Japan 2000 received 6 Dan in Ju-Jitsu from O-Sensei Kano Tenamura 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu, Head of Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu, Japan See Link below In July 2013 Mr. Kunin was asked about these issues at a meeting held in Melbourne, Australia (by then AJJIF members) & Mr. Kunin Panel member – “ O’Sensei, as you can see there are 2 versions of your qualifications here. So, what was the actual first name of your Katabami Jujitsu instructor?” Alexey Kunin - “I don’t know. I just called him sensei, the Japanese are very private people and out of respect, I just called him sensei” Panel Member – “ You trained with this guy, by your own admission almost everyday for 20 years, but you don’t know his first name? Alexey Kunin -“ That’s right” Panel Member – “ Can you name any other person that trained with you and sensei Tanemura, during those 20 years?” Alexey Kunin -“ No.” Panel member -“Not one? Any instructor or other student?” Alexey Kunin -“No” Panel member -“why not ?” Alexey Kunin - “ all of the training was done in private” Panel member -“ every class for 20 years was in private?” Alexey Kunin -“Yes” Panel member -“What about gradings? Who was your Uke for gradings?” Alexey Kunin - “ There was no-one, I just performed my techniques for sensei” Panel member -“So you don’t know of any other student or instructor of Katabami Jujitsu?” Alexey Kunin -“No.” Panel member - “You inherited the whole ancient 1200 year old Katabami style directly from Tanemura, but you don’t know his name or the names of any other person past or present that has studied with Tanemura ?” Alexey Kunin -“No.” Panel member “If we accept that you received your Menkyo Kaiden in July 1999, when did you receive your other ranks, when did you receive your Menkyo or Mokuroku ?” Alexey Kunin “there was no Menkyo or Mokuroku, I was graded to Menkyo Kaiden.” Panel member “ you were graded from white belt to Menkyo Kaiden, with no other ranks in between? Alexey Kunin “It was a grey belt, then Menkyo Kaiden. There is no Menkyo or Mokuroku.” Panel member “so are you saying that you were graded straight from white (or grey ) belt straight to Menkyo Kaiden, the highest rank one can ever achieve?” Alexey Kunin “Yes. Panel Member Do you even know what Mokuroku means? Alexey Kunin it is just a welcome certificate, it means you are part of the club or organisation, it is not a rank.” Panel member “if you were graded in the Menkyo system, why does your website detail your Katabami ranks in the Kyu Dan System? Why if you held a Menkyo Kaiden in 1999, would you be graded to 6th Dan in 2000?” Alexey Kunin “ Like I said before, the Russians hacked my website and changed all this.” Panel Member “ The Russians hacked into your site and promoted you and gave you all of these qualifications?” Alexey Kunin “Yes, then they put a worm into my site.” Australian Minutes Continued “TRAINING IN JAPAN” If you look at the AJJIF website, you would think that Mr. Kunin has spent half his life training in Japan. He claims to have studied “Directly at the Source” and claims an unbroken lineage (1200 years) back to the samurai His website says: O-Sensei Alexey Kunin Studied Directly At “The Source” Under Legendary Martial Arts Grandmasters: This prompted several questions from the (former AJJIF members) Australian Panel of instructors. • Have you (Kunin) ever trained in Japan ? • What grades do you hold from Japan? • The AJJIF holds seminars, congresses, training & competitions in many countries (Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Indonesia , Mauritius, South Africa etc…) but never at the source….Japan Short Answer – Alexey Kunin has NEVER studied in Japan, he has never even been to Japan., He has not even had a drink in the transit lounge of the Tokyo International Airport on his way somewhere !!! Alexey Kunin holds NO rank issued by or recognised in Japan. In fact when he was in Australia in 2010 He claimed to all present that he was a member and authorised by the Dai Nippon Buto Kai (DNBK) in Kyoto Japan. At least one senior Australian Instructor (that is a member of the DNBK) made enquiries with the Vice President of the DNBK and was told that Alexey Kunin, nor Gunshi Williams nor Hanshi Denora are or were ever members of the DNBK. Another Kunin Lie !! When asked about why the AJJIF never visits “the Source”…Japan, here is what he said: Panel Member -“Why have we never visited Japan?” Alexey Kunin -“There are no traditional schools in Japan. All of the best masters are in the US” Panel member -“Really?” Alexey Kunin -“Yes, Los Angeles has the biggest Japanese community outside of Japan. The best teachers are in Los Angeles.” Facilitator -“Are you saying that there are no traditional martial arts schools in Japan, right now, today?” Alexey Kunin -“Yes, the Japanese are not interested in martial arts, all they want to do is play golf and be like westerners.” Facilitator -“Do you expect us to believe that there are no schools in Japan teaching martial arts and that everyone is playing golf?” Alexey Kunin -“All of the true masters live in Los Angeles, they have all left Japan.” Facilitator -“I would strongly argue that point, we have instructors of ours actually in Japan, right now, today studying traditional martial arts, at the DNBK, at the Budokan, my JuJutsu instructors regularly travel to Japan to train with their headmaster, that is just rubbish.” Alexey Kunin -“You have to understand that is what the Japanese are like.” Panel member -“But you haven’t actually been to Japan, so how would you know?” Alexey Kunin -“My neighbour is Japanese and many of my friends are Japanese.” Panel member -“But they, like you, live in the US not Japan.” Alexey Kunin -“But they came originally from Japan” Panel member -“So your knowledge of all things Japanese is based on what your US neighbour has told you?” Alexey Kunin -No response……. “THE DENORA MENKYO KAIDEN” According to Mr. Kunin….This (his second) Menkyo Kaiden, was given by Hanshi Toney Raven (Authorised and issued by Gunshi John Williams) again in a private ceremony, on 13 February 2009. The Menkyo Kaiden in Question is in “Denora Ha Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu” It is worthy of note that master John Denora died in 2008. Mr Kunin is his martial Arts Biography ( claims to have trained with Hanshi John Denora from 1978 til his death in 2008 (30 years), but if you look at his biography on the following website There is no mention of ever training with Hanshi Denora (or Hanshi Toney Raven) nor is there any ranks awarded by either Denora, Raven or Gunshi Williams. However after the passing of Denora….a Menkyo Kaiden arrives. (A single page, computer generated document) This prompted some questions from the panel (again at a meeting held in July 2013 in Melbourne, Australia) Panel member -“Who gave you this menkyo Kaiden?” Alexey Kunin -“Hanshi Toney Raven gave it to me, it was on behalf of Gunshi John Williams.” Panel member -“Why didn’t Gunshi Williams present it himself?” Alexey Kunin -“He is in Canada and I am in Los Angeles.” Panel member -“Why did the Menkyo Kaiden not come from Hanshi Jon Denora himself?” Alexey Kunin -“Hanshi John Denora was Gunshi John Williams’s first student, he trained with Gunshi for many years?” Panel member -“But why did you not get it directly from John Denora before his death?” Alexey kunin -No response Panel member -“It is normal practice for a Menkyo Kaiden to be awarded in person by the head of the style.” Alexey Kunin -“No, Gunshi Williams was Hanshi Denora’s teacher, he gave the Menkyo Kaiden. Facilitator -“But Gunshi Williams didn’t present it to you, Toney Raven did.” Alexey Kunin -“Toney Raven has trained with Gunshi Williams for many years and lives in Los Angeles, Gunshi Williams lives in Canada.” (Toney Raven has never trained with Gunshi Williams) Facilitator -“Ok, well, How long have you trained with Gunshi Williams for?” Alexey Kunin -“I don’t train with Gunshi Williams, I trained with Hanshi Toney Raven & Hanshi John Denora.” Facilitator -“Have you ever trained with Gunshi Williams?” Alexy Kunin -“No.” Facilitator -“Have you ever met Gunshi Williams?” Alexey Kunin -“No, he is in Canada.” Facilitator -“You have never met Gunshi Williams, yet he issues you with a Menkyo Kaiden?” Alexey Kunin -“Yes, I spoke to him a couple of times on the phone.” Facilitator -“Are you saying that, Gunshi John Williams, authorised you as the head of the AJJIF and issued you with a Menkyo Kaiden, and the two of you have never actually met?” Alexey Kunin -“Yes.” SO WHAT DOES ALEXEY KUNIN SAY TO PEOPLE THAT QUESTION WHY HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE HAVE LEFT THE AJJIF. He says they left because they were jealous of him. HOW DOES HE RECRUIT PEOPLE? Mr Alexey Kunin plays on the recognition ticket. There are many honest martial artists in the world that have worked hard for what they have achieved in martial arts careers. They run respectful Dojo’s but sometimes are isolated from the rest of the world, then in steps O’Sensei Alexey Kunin and his All Japan Ju Jitsu International Federation that can offer worldwide recognition for both the instructor and their Dojo. The unsuspecting Sensei checks out the AJJIF web page and see that this O’Sensei Alexey Kunin head of the AJJIF has many well know martial artists as members and indeed there is a list of some 100 countries involved. The Sensei is now keen to join the AJJIF. Next the instructor is offered an up grade as O’Sensei says “you deserve it for all that you have done over the many years”. In good faith the Sensei excepts and now he is on the Grading merry go round. Next comes the life membership, instructors licence, then the master instructors licence and his next up grade all off course worldwide recognised and by the way very expensive. Once the Sensei is on the hook Mr Kunin will push him to increase the AJJIF membership levels in his country, so the Sensei is now given the title of AJJIF representative for his county. He is expected to find other clubs and organisation and recruit them into this wonderful organisation called the AJJIF. Blindly but in good faith the Sensei under takes this duty for his new found mentor. The process continues within the new clubs and organisations, up grades, life memberships, soke licences, master instructor licences etc etc and all at a cost to the participants. These are the fees he extracts from his unsuspecting members. Life membership $200 US Grading certificates $100 to $1000 US depending on level (no grading test). Instructors License $200 US Master Instructors License $300 US Sokeship Certificate $300 US And the list goes on and then there are the seminar fees which range from around $800 for half a day into the thousands for one and two day seminars, plus airfares, accommodation and meals. The seminars are the next step so as to bring everyone together as a group. This builds loyalty within group members and strengthens Mr Kunins grip on the members not to mention the grip on their hard earnt cash. The seminars are mostly filled with Mr Kunin promoting the AJJIF followed by some basic techniques. Some at the seminars will leave feeling it was a waste of time, others will be so caught up in the hype that they will be looking forward to the next seminar. Over a period of time many will realise that they are seeing the same old techniques at each seminar and will begin to question their respective sensei about the situation. Then there are the Sensei that capitalize on the situation with Mr Kunin to make money for themselves. These Sensei are driven by high ranks and profits. Mr Kunin is well aware of these Sensei and uses them to promote himself. He keeps them very close and panders to their needs. They are his lackeys and do his will. Mr Kunin will ask them to join him on his world tour and unbeknownst to them he will get them to teach at the seminars and he will just correct and fluff about looking important. The perfect scenario; Kunin and his puppets. Mr Kunin likes to use Sensei that are involved in established martial arts organisations and has on some occasions even got him self a position on the committee. Once inside these organisation Mr Kunin uses them to create legitimacy for himself, pander to his need for fame and of course to make money. Unfortunately it is the ordinary members of these organisations that are paying for Mr Kunin and his puppets. WHERE TO NOW? Clark Trueman and other FACEBOOK sites such as Fraud In martial Arts Awareness Society have filled their pages with evidence that proves Alexey Kunnin is a fraud and the AJJIF is nothing more than a money making scam. It is all now about making martial artists worldwide aware of these Facebook pages and giving them the information about the AJJIf. Word of mouth is very strong when combined with social media such as facebook. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Tell people to visit the Clark Trueman and Ajjif Freeman Facebook pages. Tell people to boycott his seminars. If you are at his seminar ask him to do something that a 10th Dan should be able to do, ask him about the history of Ju Jitsu, Karate Judo. Put him on the spot with difficult questions that any self respecting martial artist would know the answer to. Ask to see his low rank grade certificates to verify his martial arts history. Get him to tell you why 100 Australian martial artists all resigned from the AJJIF on the same day. Ask him why so many organisations do not recognise him. Surely they can not all be jealous of him. He is not hard to break, they did it in Australia on the 27th of July 2013 with these basic questions and asking to see advanced techniques. Every honest martial artist must take it upon themselves to let others know so that they are not Mr Alexey Kunins next victim. The sharing of information is what martial arts is about, gifts of knowledge passed from one to another down through the ages. Belts should be gained through hard work and practice not through lining Mr Kunins pockets. What Mr Alexey Kunin is doing goes against everything scared to the brotherhood of Martial Arts. Tell the world about this fraud! Share this post with every martial artist on the planet. ARE YOU GOING TO STAND SILENT AND LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT OR WILL YOU STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR THE HONOR OF BUDO?
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 07:00:05 +0000

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