This is a photo montage of the children of Ti Desdunes where I - TopicsExpress


This is a photo montage of the children of Ti Desdunes where I went on two Clean Water for Haiti deliveries and installation of our bio-sand filters. Yall have heard me say it before; however, it is repeat worthy. These beautiful children are loving, delightful, adorable, and so very happy and content. They were intrigued by my limited Creole vocabulary, and they loved it when we learned each others names. One young girl was so concerned that my hair wasnt in braids and wanted me to let her fix my hair. Another little girl was like a little butterfly just floating all over the place. I could tell she was mentally challenged although her heart and her smiles never knew it. It was so endearing, and as we went from community to community throughout this village she would follow behind the truck, skipping and laughing and waving. One little boy, oh my golly, what a smile, but it took me hours to get him to smile. I guess that when their picture is being taken it is a very serious issue because they could be laughing away and as soon as I focus the camera they are intent on making it the best picture ever. I have never heard such exuberant laughing in my life, honest. As they ran up to see their picture they would simply fall out laughing. What fun! At one spot, I started out with just a handful, and they were atleast 30 yards away, just curious. I would take a picture and they would run up to get a glimpse and then make a mad dash right back to where they were. After each shoot, I would pull them in a little bit closer and we would go through the whole process again. It ended up being a game with about thirty or more children playing. What fun! I have invented a new game, Beat the camera. As the truck would pull in to a conclave of houses, the children would chase it to the location, running and shouting, and just having a good time. There are no boundaries and these Children of God actually made me think of how God wants us to come to Him - joyful, uninhibited, candid, open, and enthusiastic, with no pretenses, no judgments, and pure trust - just open, free, and natural love. I do love these children and their smiles and their eyes say to me, Thank you for noticing me. As you watch, consider coming to God and hanging out in His Presence with the mind of a child. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Matt 19:14
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:19:41 +0000

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