...This is crazy...As some of you know I got out of prison in 1992 - TopicsExpress


...This is crazy...As some of you know I got out of prison in 1992 after doing 10 years I got out in May and I said I am finish with drinking, but drinking wasnt finish with me, satan was not finish with me...And I didnt know who the real Jesus was, oh I heard about the mean God the one that was going to send me to hell if I dont stop drinking...Im going to stop there on that, but I have alot to say on that, I could preach on the word THAT. So I got out in may of 1992 by July I was drinking real bad and doing things I should not be doing...In September I met Becky my wife we lived in the same apartment building...Then in October I got a job to go to Kirtsville, Mo. To work on a house...But when I got there drinking got in the way of my working, I was in a motel that my boss put me in, and can I say he was not to happy with me, I was not to happy with me, I was not happy at all... There was another worker there that liked drinking as much as I did...It was a cool October day, cloudy day, we thought it would be a good ideal if we got some whiskey and went to the lake a rent a boat...the lake was Forest Lake The air was cool so I put on a lot of cloths and I had my whiskey to keep me warm...We rented a boat and it felt good to get out of the motel...We road around for hours and we got so drunk...Then I was going to stand up and pee, when I did I fell over and hit the water and it was cold, I had so many cloths on I couldnt stay on top, I started seeking and the other guy tried to get me I was to far away for him to reach me...Then, Thats right I said then...satan told me that no one loves me not even God and that this is a good time to let the air out of my lungs and sink to the bottom of the lake, your life is nothing your nothing but a drunk...This all happen in a flash, so I started letting the air out of my lungs and I was seeking fast and it was so dark and it was like I was out of my body I was watching myself seeking it looked like I was about five feet from myself, Then I looked up and I was a bright light, it was shining thru the water I was not in darkness any more...I had peace all over my body, I had no fear...But I still had no ideal what was happening, I like it under the water, I was in peace...But in a flash I was back in the boat, dont know how I got there at that time but I do now...The guy I was with he was still looking over the boat looking for me, he was freaking out...Then I said he I am why are you looking for me Im here, and I was sober...We both was so confused, neither of us knew Jesus or even knew what the Holy Spirit was...We got back to the motel he packed his bags and said I dont know what just happen but I do know that I got to get away for you.......That was a day that I will always remember...I didnt know HIM but HE knew me...HE is not finish with me yet, I know people say Im weird sometimes and they thought Paul was weird...I didnt like my past,it was not good and it wasnt of God...Jesus is using my past to help others get free...But to tell you the truth all them years was nothing, It does not bother me at all...Just like another day in the ball park...When Jesus sees me HE sees my further not my past, men like to look at your past and hold it against you to keep you in bondage, and they dont even know they are letting satan run there life...It is time to step into what Jesus has for you...Lay you past down, people tell me that its to hard that you dont know what I have been thru...Stop it...Get up, praise HIM, look what HE has done, take it to the cross...When you start Praising HIM depression falls off...You past falls off...Forgive other...Turn you hate to love...People Im telling you if I can do it anyone can do it...You may have to walk away from a lot of people even family...Dont hate them pray for them and love them...You dont have to like them...Get up and get out and step into your new life that Jesus has for you not the life man has for you...........Dennis Coad....Im proud to say that Im a Jesus freak, anyone else...Someone out there needed to here this today....God is so good....
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:04:53 +0000

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