*** This post may contain spoilers *** What kind of crap does - TopicsExpress


*** This post may contain spoilers *** What kind of crap does bollywood make these days.. SRK being such a known actor, how does he do such movies.. There is no flow to the movie. Its just random collections of scenes and dances put together. Story seems to be written by some baboon. More than the movie itself, Im worried about Indian people who are actually running to the theatre for this crap. I dont know what theyre thinking. Songs are okay as well. Acting is over the top. Entire movie is over the top. Heist is stupid. Comedy is slapstick. Edittors did a very bad job. 3 hours was pain. In short, there was not a single thing that was good in this movie. Please donate your money to some poor chap. One of the most poorly made big budget movies from Bollywood. Before the movie starts, you would get to see a bunch of names of various partners (sponsors). At the end you would wonder what they were seeking by associating with such a film. Lets start with the first 30 minutes or so of the film which introduces various characters: a) SRK is a wrestler. He has been paid to lose the fight, however (surprise surprise) he wins the fight. Not to mention that the entire fight sequence induces a big yawn and it has nothing that you havent seen before. Note the film has just started. b) Sood is a bomb expert who now provides services to films. As you would expect, he messes up the shot and gets fired in another yawn inducing sequence. Sood has problems in listening to people just 2-3 feet away, however he can listen to SRK clearly even when SRK is several feet away. Some would call it cinematic convenience. You feel for Sood here as he is one of the actors who looks to give his best in the films he works in. c) Boman speaks in a weird Parsi accent. He is 50 years old. However, his mother reminds him to keep clean and visit the washroom before going to bed. How many of us would find such sequences interesting? May be Boman played this role in this way to seek vendetta on the film makers. But what about the audience, Boman? d) A hacker who has tons of Facebook friends but no real friends. In his intro, he hacks the DJ system and is thrown out of the club. And this paves way to another fight sequence with scenes that are designed to make you laugh but instead forces your head to shake at the poor attempt. Another great piece of entertainment? e) In the interest of brevity, I am skipping the other intros. And then there is a babble about how to steal the diamonds to take revenge. The most interesting part in the first hour was when the classic Mera Pyar Shalimar song was played in the background. That took me to some happy memories about some of the classic songs from that film. Is there a point in describing the rest of the film? The acting, direction or anything else you name in the film, all appears amateurish. Even the TV series which have much less budget devoted to them appear to be more professionally done. For most parts, one would wonder what drove these people to make such a film. May be a film about revenge on Red Chilies Entertainment would have been a better idea. Farah Khan probably thought that people like her and SRK jokes at various award ceremonies. Award ceremonies have dances too. Lets mix those and people are going to jump at it like how hungry dolphins would jump out of water to grab food! In the recent past, Bollywood film lovers have flocked in to cinemas based on star appeal. And the result has been a constant bombardment of such films in the name of paise vasool entertainment. We have only ourselves to blame for encouraging such attempts and the stagnation of creativity and innovation in Bollywood.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 09:30:01 +0000

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