*******Thought Of The Day******** Ive been doing some reading & - TopicsExpress


*******Thought Of The Day******** Ive been doing some reading & thinking about some things today and thought........... The time has come when we cannot just rely on others to make the world a better place–each one of us has to do our part. It is therefore time for people to be more and more aware about their Personal Social Responsibility (PSR). PSR is all about doing and acting towards others how you would like others to do and act towards you. It is about recognizing how your behaviour affects others, its about holding yourself accountable for your actions. For example, contrast someone being well mannered and kind, with someone being rude. And this brings me to the theme of this post–being kind to others. Kindness is contagious–and as part of our PSR, you might want to consider carrying out random acts of kindness on a daily basis. It is truly a win/win/win situation. The person you are being kind to benefits through your help & youll feel good for having helped someone. And the world is a better place through your kindness. Never underestimate the impact of a single act of kindness. Im looking for your input here so please comment below and tell me what you could, would or will do and share your ideas of what others can do. Share a random act of kindness thought you think people can do to make the world and your local area a better place to live. Its also important to carry out your acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. So where do you begin? I will begin below with a few ideas to get you started and then..... the thread is all yours :) Have Fun & Enjoy the Day. Purchase a gift card for a needy family in your neighborhood and send it to them anonymously. Send someone a small gift anonymously. Read to a child. Make donations to a local food bank. Volunteer at your childrens school or a local park dist. Buy a meal for a homeless person you see on the street. Offer to watch a friends children so they can enjoy some time alone. Donate used clothing
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:43:54 +0000

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