~ Thought of the day ~ Ive just been called an idiot by the - TopicsExpress


~ Thought of the day ~ Ive just been called an idiot by the Romanian Post. I arrive, like a little innocent flower, strolling through the streets which are finally sunny today. One person working, as usual, out of five. Before her, a line of around ten people. I get in line quietly, holding my little package to be sent... Fast forward: one hour later, I finally get to the postal worker. - How do you do? - What you got there? - A package. - For where? - Its written on the package. - I asked for where! - Well... (me reciting the address written on the package). The postal worker turns around. Im hopeful shell return with a stamp and an invoice. Nope. She returns with a stack of papers to fill out. I fill them out. I sit in line again. Fast forward: one half an hour later, the postal worker gets my papers. - I need also a copy of your ID. - ... - Go to the groceries store at the corner or to the Kaufland megastore to get a xerox copy. - Ok... Fast forward: 15 minutes later, after running to the groceries store (apparently they do have a Xerox machine, but the store was locked and an announcement said: Lunch break, Ill be back in two hours) and after getting to the Kaufland megastore and getting a Xerox copy for 0,5 RON, then running back to the post. - Now Im glad I work out daily. Postal office, 1h45 min later. I sit in line again. Fast forward: one hour later. - What you got there? - Hello! Its me, with the package... You know, from earlier.... I got the Xerox copy of my ID. - And what took you so long?? - .... The postal worker gets the copy. Then looks at the package: - It needs to be taped down. - Ok, I wanted to put inside a Christmas card. Can I have one? - Yes. (throwing a box of Christmas cards in front of me) - Choose one. I choose one, I write my little message, I place it in the box. - Ok, now tape it. - Erm... Please, give me some adhesive tape. - We dont have adhesive tape. - ... No problem, I brought mine from home. I take out my roll of adhesive tape. I tape the damn thing like a mummy. I give it back to the postal worker. - The address isnt showing on the box. - ... (muttering to myself: Of course it isnt, now the box is taped like a mummy, hard to see anything written on it anymore) Actually I do have the address printed from home. I can tape it on the box. (big smile) The postal worker takes my printed page then gives it back. - Its not written in the correct order. You have to write it again, by hand. I get a piece of paper to write the address again and tape it on the box. I do it, hearing people behind me already grumbling. Fast forward five minutes... I give triumphant the box with the piece of paper taped on it, with the address and everything... - Missy!!! What the hell did you do? Why cant anybody do as I tell them!!! I didnt ask you to do brain surgery!!! I am perplexed. People are already laughing behind me. I honestly dont understand whats the problem. The postal worker returns, this time with THE HOLY GRAIL: the little postal stamp with todays date. Still muttering at my utter incompetence, she places it in a corner of the piece of paper stamped on the box, then throws the box in a big pile behind her and tells me: - Id be surprised if this ever reached its destination. But its almost Christmas, so I took my time to help you out. Now I am home... still wondering what I did wrong. And strangely uncomfortable because the postal worker, after all my efforts, still called me an idiot in the face. And asking myself how weird this story would look on an official customer complaint. Merry Christmas, Romanian Post!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 13:05:29 +0000

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