~∞ To everyone within the Spiritual Community, and to those not. - TopicsExpress


~∞ To everyone within the Spiritual Community, and to those not. Do you not see and realise what is happening? All the bullshit back stabbing, games, lies, gossip, competition and judgement being cast out between one another, is it really necessary?? In all my life so far I have never witnessed such a large amount of crap going on as I have within the Spiritual Community. What a joke. And this far outweighs that of the Hospitality and Retail Industries as well. So many who call themselves Spiritual yet in a split second turn around and create ruckus aka drama when a person has their back turned. Seriously. Do you actually KNOW what it means to be Spiritual? Grow the f**k up. You serve no purpose to the greater good of man and woman kind NOR yourself when you are off playing primary school games. When I say do you not see??? What I mean is this. In the times we are in energy is increasing massively. The vibrations of the Earth are rising a great deal and in turn will influence our own Vibrations due to the fact that we live upon Mother Earth and are one with her. We can see this with the amount of events taking place right across the World. We can see this with the negative events taking place because of mans choices within Life. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT Now when I say They ^^^, I refer to dark energies. Lower vibrations. Negative aspects within Life, within people. This is what they want. Some believe in darkness, others dont. Having experienced the things I have I do have a firm belief that there are those energies out there which are trying to prevent us from awakening. From reaching..... Ascension. Some would say more and more people are waking each and every day and to a certain degree yes I agree. However is it not simply that people are now opening their eyes to what is really going on in Life? To what is deemed right or wrong to man and woman kind? To what has always been there but people have failed to see because of the Veils across their eyes? What we NEED to do is stick TOGETHER. To quit the little school yard games and realise the Light within is BIGGER than that and deserves SO much more respect than it is being given. We need to stick together now and in the times to come if we are to make any ounce of difference in this World for positive change. Positive Change to help end wars. Violence. Abuse of Women, Children AND Men as well as Animals. Positive Change to our Food and Health Systems as well as Governments and so on. We need, to stick together. A single thread alone will break however combined with many, and you got an awesome bunjee chord there hahaaaa....you get what I mean ;) If we simply stop reacting and start responding, stop standing in ego and stand in Heart, then we will find ways to betterness. To the Oneness that exists and is meant to carry us through into the days ahead. When we do this, we create greater affects for positive change right across the Earth. Our Lights become One and we shine together as a people, out into the Universe beyond putting ourselves amongst the beauty of all the Life that exists beyond ourselves. So you come across a situation you dont like involving someone? Then help them LEARN. TEACH them from the truth you are feeling within. Do not cut them down, for we are ALL Students and Teachers, are we not?? At the same time remember, it may be YOU who needs the teaching not the other way around. So always be open and willing to change for the greater good within each moment. Brothers and Sisters. We need each other. Some of you may disagree and go eewwww yuck or naa f**k that lol however it is true. We need each other. And I will stand and speak the truth as I see it and feel it coming through, I will not sugar coat things. If its sugar you want then go to the candyshop. We are going to need each other. In days to come we will come across events man made and natural that will need us all to stand together if we are to make it. Events like Mine collapses. Earthquakes. Volcanic Eruptions. Riots. Wars and so on. We all preach about doing what is right and helping the World and all its children, it is time to start truly acting on it. Create your ripple affect and together we can, and will, ride the Waves into the Sunshine to come ∞~ x One Love to all x Universal Guidance The Spiritual Navigator Rameka
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:54:34 +0000

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