★ Today Murli ( Gods Word For Today ) - 23-11-14 - TopicsExpress


★ Today Murli ( Gods Word For Today ) - 23-11-14 English: “Signs of practical dharna in the lives of sun and moon dynasty souls.” Today, Bap and Dada were having a conversation in the subtle region about the efforts of the children in their ascending stage. BapDada saw two types of children. One type they saw was of those in the first division of effort-makers in their form of sun-dynasty deities; the other type was of those in the second division of effort-makers in their form of moon-dynasty warriors. They saw a difference between the two types of children in both their stage and their speed. Both had the thought of reaching the destination of perfection and they still have this thought. However, there wasn’t much difference visible between the thought and the practical form of the first division, the sun-dynasty souls. There was a greater difference visible between the thought and the form of the second division, the moon-dynasty souls. Their thought was 100% powerful but their practical form was sometimes 75% and sometimes 50%. The sun-dynasty souls either constantly maintain the powerful stage of a master sun of knowledge, the seed stage, or they stabilise in the second stage of an avyakt angel for a longer time. The moon-dynasty souls are not able to stabilise in the seed stage of a master sun of knowledge for as long, for it is only after battling with many types of obstacles of Maya for a long time that they are able to stabilise in the stage of either an avyakt angel or a victorious soul. Sometimes, they battle against their wasteful thoughts and sometimes with some other problem. They spend a long time trying to defeat Maya. In one hour’s effort, they would experience half an hour or fifteen minutes of success. Therefore, because of their laborious efforts, they sometimes become tired or sometimes they just carry on. They sometimes run, and, at other times, when they see others running, although they want to run themselves, they are unable to do so. In experiencing each virtue of the Father, they only reach half-way in that experience; that stage is only accomplished by 50%. They would say that the Father is the Ocean of Happiness and that they themselves are embodiments of happiness, but they would not experience constant happiness. They experience perfect happiness sometimes, but not at other times. Just as the degrees of the moon increase and reduce, similarly, those of the moon dynasty only sometimes experience the perfect stage with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm, whereas, at other times, they experience themselves to be very far from their perfect stage. Sometimes, in order to experience Baba’s company, instead of adopting the stage of remembrance, they adopt the stage of complaining. 1) Those of the sun dynasty constantly experience the Father’s company and remain absorbed in experiencing love in all relationships with Him. 2) Sun-dynasty souls do not fluctuate in their stage by sometimes ascending and sometimes descending. They constantly experience the stage of ascent, just as the sun is always experienced as the form of light. It doesn’t go into a cycle of degrees; there isn’t a difference of sometimes being 14 degrees and at other times eight degrees. 3) Maya definitely comes in front of sun- dynasty souls like a cloud, but that cloud comes and then vanishes. 4) Sun-dynasty souls constantly have a stage of equanimity; their own brightness doesn’t lessen when they see clouds. They experience having the virtues of the Father in their practical lives and also reveal themselves to everyone through this form. 5) Sun-dynasty souls constantly experience themselves to be unlimited servers and light-and-might-houses. 6) Sun-dynasty souls constantly follow in the footsteps of Father Brahma in everything they do; they are equal to Father Brahma in their deeds and in the speed of their efforts. 7) The first step of sun-dynasty souls is in following the father - their minds, intellects are totally surrendered to the Father. You saw this speciality in Father Brahma: he claimed his great fortune through his great renunciation. He was the first number to claim the perfect angelic form and the first number to claim the title of world emperor. Similarly, sun- dynasty souls are great and complete renunciates. To be a complete renunciate means that you renounce even the progeny of vice in your sanskars. Such complete renunciates, who follow the father, become angels at this time and the first world emperors in the future. 8) Sun-dynasty souls constantly experience their intellects to have faith and thereby remain constantly carefree and experience themselves to be definitely victorious every cycle. 9) Sun-dynasty souls, whilst fulfilling the responsibility of world benefit, remain double light, even to the extent of their huge responsibility. 10) Sun-dynasty souls, through the rays of their attitude and their vibrations, stabilise other souls in the experience of their original form. 11) Sun-dynasty souls do not use any of the treasures they have selfishly for themselves, but are constantly great donors and bestow blessings on others. 12) There are two special indications of souls who belong to the sun dynasty. Firstly, they only come into sound after being in the stage beyond sound. Secondly, two signs of them are: they always maintain their stage of self-respect and they are humble and constructive in their words and deeds. Similarly, these are the indications of moon-dynasty souls: they only sometimes fulfil a task to the full extent and at other times to a lesser extent; it would sometimes be 50%. Sometimes, they sparkle like the souls who reach 100%, and, at other times, they constantly turn the beads of their own rosary of weaknesses in front of the Father. Sometimes, they are powerful, and at other times they create waste. Sometimes, they are great and at other times, they are ordinary. Sometimes, they experience themselves to have authority and to be mahavirs, and at other times, they say that they can only move forward, if they are given support and co-operation; they experience themselves to be limping along. So, now, ask yourself: What stage have I reached? Am I a sun-dynasty soul? Have I gone beyond the stage of the moon dynasty and am I on the boundary of becoming a sun-dynasty soul? Or, am I still in the moon-dynasty stage? Those who have reached the boundary of the sun dynasty would sometimes take a jump into the sun-dynasty stage, but would otherwise remain in the moon dynasty. Now check where you are and cross the boundary to become part of the sun dynasty. Do you understand what you have to do? Achcha. Blessing: May you be worthy of receiving everyone’s blessings by putting a full stop to any situation and transforming yourself. In any situation you can only put a full stop, when you have the awareness of both the Father, the Point form, and the soul, the point, and you have controlling power. Those children who offer themselves to transform first and put a full stop become worthy of receiving blessings. They receive blessings from their own selves, that is, they receive happiness, and they receive blessings from the Father and the Brahmin family. Slogan: Put the stamp of determination on the thoughts that you have every now and then and you will become victorious. In Spiritual Service, Brahma Kumaris ♥
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:23:52 +0000

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