#Todays (29.08.2014) # Horoscope for: #Aries (21 March -19 - TopicsExpress


#Todays (29.08.2014) # Horoscope for: #Aries (21 March -19 April) Take a look into your crystal ball. You probably arent a fortune teller, Aries, but your intuition is certainly heightened right now. And there is some glimpse into the future you have been wondering about. Maybe it seems too amazing to be real. Maybe you are pushing back that beautiful vision you can just about see because its so beautiful and you dont want to be disappointed. But look at it fully. Admire it. Feel what it feels like. That is your future. The very near future is filled with positive changes. Your intuition is spot on. #Taurus (20 April- 20 May) If you keep looking for something to go wrong, Taurus, then something will go wrong. If you keep looking for problems, you will find them. That may be what youre doing now because things seem really wonderful, and that just doesnt seem right. You werent expecting things to take a turn for the better, but that is whats happening. Dont doubt it. Dont even allow yourself to think for a moment that it wont last. Feed and nurture hope instead, and believe that the best will be. #Gemini (21 May – 20 June) A family member or an old friend seems to have a lot of ups and downs. This person is always complaining about something, and frequently holds a pity party. You may be tired of dealing with all of the negativity, Gemini. But if you let it get to you and you become angry or irritated with this person, you will miss a wonderful opportunity to help. Instead of criticizing this persons ongoing drama (even if you see it as constructive criticism), try being encouraging and inspiring. You can make a big difference now. #Cancer (21 June - 22 July) You are on a path. Its a long path. And you have already travelled down part of it. If you look behind - and as a Moonchild you look behind often - you will find many memories that you like, and also many memories that bring you sadness, fear, longing, and other deep and difficult emotions. Lately you have been looking to the past way too often. You feel guilty about something, or regretful, or sad. You cant seem to let it go. But turn around. The path continues on ahead of you for a long, long way. There is a lot of joy yet to come along that path, but you might miss it if you keep looking backward. Move forward. #Leo (23 July – 22 August) A sense of worry or foreboding about an upcoming event is not a sign that something is going to go terribly wrong. As a Leo, you feel your emotions in a big and powerful way. Sometimes this interferes with your intuition, because it makes everything seem more dramatic. If you are feeling something now that makes you apprehensive, it simply means that you need to be aware and prepared and careful - it is not a fatalistic message. Stay aware as you move forward, and everything will be perfectly fine. There is no dark drama around the corner - there is only light. #Virgo (23 August - 22 September) Every rose has thorns. Somehow they make the bloom seem all the more delicate and valuable. Life is that way. The difficulties make the special moments even more special. You really wish a situation you are now involved in was perfect, but it does contain a flaw or two. Dont lament what you cant change, Virgo. Dont allow the ants to ruin your picnic. Dont allow the thorn to tarnish your rose. Use what you encounter to recognize how very lucky you are, and how special your present situation could be. #Libra (23 September – 22 October) You may think that solving a current dilemma will require you to figure out who is responsible, and get that person to make everything right. But pointing the finger of blame now wont do anything productive. In fact, Libra, it might anger or upset someone, and that could create a delay or a reversal of any progress that has already been made. Instead, you need to take a more proactive approach. Dont look for someone to be wrong, just look for a way to make things right. That will get you going in the right direction. #Scorpio (23 October - 21 November) You may be feeling some apprehension for an upcoming event or obligation. The unknown can be frightening, because it invites the imagination to fill in all of the most frightening possibilities. You can think of what could go wrong, and what difficulties and problems will ensue because of it. Try doing the reverse now, Scorpio. Take that tendency to imagine the worst and try imagining the best possible scenario instead. Think of all the wonderful things that could happen. Youll not only enjoy the process more, youll direct your energy in a positive way. #Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December) Sagittarius horoscope for Aug 29 2014 The people who love us the most (and who we love the most) and who also know us best are often the most difficult to deal with. We know each others weaknesses, and we occasionally push the wrong buttons because of it. We can reach each others weak spots, and we know each others secrets. Someone you love (and who loves you deeply) may be very difficult to be with right now. There could be some kind of conflict going on or some friction happening. But keep in mind how very special this relationship is above and beyond all of the present trouble, and rise above it, and appreciate it anyway. #Capricorn (22 December - 19 January) It may seem now that every relationship, every goal, every challenge you face requires an uphill battle. Nothing is easy. Nothing is simple or straightforward. But this is just how it seems right now. In a day or two everything will go smoothly again. Everything will be easier. Thats how life is, Capricorn. There are many ups and downs. The key to finding happiness during the downs is to think about and work toward the ups; and during the ups, you embrace the moment and immerse yourself in it. #Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) If you have a serious financial goal, this could be the year that you gain more momentum toward greater financial security. And between now and the next three days, there could be a few amazing opportunities that open up for you - these will be chances that could be instrumental in gaining the success you desire. One or more of these may seem too easy or too simple to bring the rewards they promise, but dont overlook or ignore any chance that comes your way Aquarius. If you remain open to what life hands you and you take advantage of every opportunity, you will make great strides toward your goal. #Pisces (19 February – 20 March) You may find yourself questioning the motives or the honesty of a friend or a family member today, Pisces. This could be the result of something that is said or done that is out of the ordinary. This is where faith comes in, though. If someone has earned your trust, your loyalty, and your love, then it took a long time to build the foundation. Dont let one questionable moment cause you to doubt this person. Give the situation some time to play out, and you will find that probably a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation was the cause of it.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 05:53:23 +0000

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