.Todays post from carepages: If God answers your prayers, He is - TopicsExpress


.Todays post from carepages: If God answers your prayers, He is increasing your FAITH. If He delays, He is increasing your PATIENCE. If He doesnt answer, He has something better for you! We have been praying, praying, and prayin...g for Keeley. While he is answering the prayers, and we are grateful for that, we continue to be on a roller coaster ride with Keeley. Yesterday was a rough day, one of the roughest we have had in months. We had surgery 2 weeks ago and things seemed to be heading in the right direction. Keeley has handled surgery extremely well, everyone was shocked. We kept waiting for the ball to drop. With each day that it didnt we grew more and more pleased and excited about the progress. Then yesterday the ball drops.. Each time this happens, although you are prepared for it, is horrible. Tuesday night Matt and I arrived down in Cincinnati to a happy little girl, who was sating (her oxygen level in her blood) in the 80s. That evening she spiked a temp, 102, one time. Nothing out of the norm for her. They ran some samples to make sure it was not infection related and all came back fine. Overnight her sats were decreasing a little, again nothing unusual. That morning her chest x ray came back with a right lung that had collapsed. They decided that they wanted to bronch her so that her lungs would be in the best possible shape. Instead this time following the bronch her sats dropped into the low 60s. After trying a few tricks, the and increasing her vent support, they got her back into the low 70s. Keeley norm is high 70s, low 80s. They went back and forth with a plan to take her to the Cath lab. In the end they decided she could go. To go to the Cath lab, they take her off her current ventilator and bag her on the way down the hall. They think this was just too much for her yesterday. After hooking her back up to the ventilator in the Cath lab, they were unable to get her sats back into the 70. She was instead in the 40s and 50s. They decided after trying for about 45 minutes, it would not be a good thing to try that day and sent her back. Once getting back to the room she settled a little. Later that evening we had a few hour span in which they couldnt get her sats to come back up. They tried all the ticks, none of which worked. The room again filled with people who were checking for labs, suctioning her, doing an echo, trying to flush her chest tubes. They were not finding what was causing all of this to happen. With Keeleys history of infections and blood clots they feared that either she had an infection again or that she had an occluding blood clot. Nothing was found. Instead they put her back on nitric oxide and increased her vent settings. They also added a few meds to keep her calm and help with her blood pressure. The team decided to try to put another chest tube in while they waited for blood to come back. After 5 sticks, to a girl on heparin, they decided it was not going to happen. Finally they decided to bronch her again. During the bronch they put a camera and long suction into the lungs. They were able to get many mucus plugs out. This seemed to help a lot and she was given blood. By about 9:00, things were looking better. Overnight she had a few minor episodes, but was otherwise uneventful. Today has been more of the same. She continues on a lot of support and her sats continue to be lower than usual. At this time, they think it is important for her to go to the cath lab and get some of these collaterals coiled. These are making her sicker. She has had them for quite sometime, but her body is not liking them right now. They say with sick children, sometimes these things they have had for a long time begin to cause more and more problems. They are hopeful that although coiling will make Keeley bluer initially, it will be that answer in the end to the lung issue and the blood flow issues in the heart. We are well aware that we are pulling at straws and trying to find something that will work, but we feel strongly that Keeley continues to have some fight in her. Yesterday talking with the Cath doctor he said she has hundreds of collaterals. They will remove as many as they can, but it will definitely not all get done in one cath. We are just hoping they are able to coil as many as they can safely and that no new ones form. So the answers to all of our prayers has not come yet, continuing to increase our patience. We are still hopeful that He is listening and is going to answer them in the time span that He feels is best. They say that Gods timing is perfect. I believe this, but also wish I had some input on this. While this may not be what we have in mind, we again must follow His plan for Keeley. Heck, at many times the plan that our Diva has for herself too, ornery thing. Until our prayers are fully answer we will just keep swimming and continue on this ride with Keeley. NEGU! Thanks for the continued prayers and support! Matt, Michelle, Quintin, Ryland, and Keeley
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:37:51 +0000

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