@ Tom Sapp, I think you are right. It is virtually impossible to - TopicsExpress


@ Tom Sapp, I think you are right. It is virtually impossible to keep up w/all of the HUSSEIN administration lying and deceiving. THIS JUST IN: The NY Post reports that the Census Bureau fudged data to make the jobs outlook a bit rosier RIGHT BEFORE HUSSEINS RE-ELECTION BID! According to Census documents, the worker, Julius Buckman, was told to make up stuff by higher ups (ie...Obama admin). One insider says the deception happened during a time when Obama really needed help to win re-election!! Eric Boling and Jack Welch spoke (on Cavuto) of the numbers not adding up back on Oct. 5, 2012!! Jack Welch said These numbers dont smell right when you think about where the economy is right now! Its ironic that these numbers came this way ONE MONTH BEFORE THE ELECTION. You draw your own conclusions! That was in October, 2012! Eric Boling TODAY says For a couple of months prior to that, I was watching the numbers, they werent adding up. Im trying to figure out why the unemployment rate kept coming DOWN right in front of the election BUT...NO JOBS WERE BEING CREATED. 100 thousand jobs being created in a month, yet 500,000 people were somehow not counted, THINKING...Congress should look into this. Bowling continues...I happened to host for Neal Cavuto one day and I said can we get Jack Welch in here and Jack Welch said the same thing! I was called a conspiracy theorist, I was taken apart for this conspiracy theory! TURNS OUT WE WERE RIGHT! THEY HAD BEEN COOKING THE BOOKS. Theres a leak that came out late last night, the Post reported it! Within the Census Bureau, they didnt know what to do so they started fudging numbers and cooking the books!!! The problem is, THEY DID IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ELECTION. Im not even going to say UNBELIEVABLE any more because at this point there is absolutely NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING I wouldnt believe about the Obama administration regarding lying and deceiving Americans!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:39:42 +0000

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