; Tonight was the scariest night of my life. I got into a car - TopicsExpress


; Tonight was the scariest night of my life. I got into a car accident on highway 401 while driving home. Scene: All traffic was sectioned off into one lane because of construction. And on either sides of the lane there is a cement barrier (no shoulder no NOTHING). There were maybe 15-20 cars that I could see stopped in front of me so I stopped too in the line. My mom always taught me to NEVER stop too close to another vehicle because the person behind you might not be paying attention and rear ends you and then u rear end someone else (and have to pay for the person you hit). So I stopped about a car length away from the vehicle in front of me. As Im waiting for traffic to move I look in my rear view mirror and from a distance I can see a vehicle coming. I look forward again. Then I look in my rear view again only to see the vehicle still coming fast. As the headlights from the vehicle in my rear view mirror got closer, I realized he was gonna hit me. I looked to my right and my left and realized I was trapped by the cement barriers and had literally nowhere to drive off to avoid impact. Moments before impact the vehicle in front of my started to move up a bit, and just as it did I watched in my rear view mirror as the vehicle came and hit me full force. It was a loud bang then so quiet. Probably the first time I ever really noticed how haunting silence can be. It took me like 5 seconds to process what just happened. Then 2 seconds for me to get out of the car through the passengers side door. I hopped over the barrier to safety (into the construction zone) and then realized the van that hit me was smoking and very damaged. I could see the older couple in the vehicle moving as I called 911. The can that hit me is totaled and the front of their vehicle was gone. Thankfully everyone was alive and nobody was injured enough to need a medic. Besides whiplash and bruising, everyone seems to be ok so far. The way my God is setup yall?!?!?! I literally feel like i saw the hand of God guide me car through the crash, and kept my body in tact because this could have ended VERY differently. Feeling blessed.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:14:33 +0000

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