*Transcript: Children of the Most High God, this is your Lord and - TopicsExpress


*Transcript: Children of the Most High God, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, My beloveds, I speak words of truth now, do not hold unto them lightly. My little ones, calamity shall strike at unawares. It shall be unprecedented. With the collapse of human society, the antichrist system shall be ever more evident. It shall take over. You will see a militaristic push come across all lands. It will be the beginnings of the Fallen ones tyrannical rule. His reign shall be established through such military occupations - a police state. There will be corruption, abuse on all sides, no rights shall remain. No freedom. No truth. Children, their plans to take over are in place. Already founded. There is no escape for man from this system of cruel rule and dictatorship. My beloveds, soon, very soon, you shall witness a change in society, a change amongst your lands - lost hope, despair. The air of death. Liberty will no longer exist. You will all be enemies of the state. Children, with My storm, My tempest which descends now, such shall be the reality. The man of perdition shall be revealed to all. For is it nor written in My word that He must come first before the day of My coming? My elect, My chosen one, those of Me will know. They have been forewarned. They are covered, My righteous right hand shall see them through. Many shall be taken. Lead to their deaths. Children, I speak of their camps. I speak of their genocide against all peoples - killing, murder and mayhem will be an everyday reality, the lot of the world. Children, many of Mine shall be martyred. Those not yet of the fold will die for Me, My namesake. They will testify that I AM He. Children, all these things will come before my retrieval of My bride. These will be the beginnings of sorrows for the Great Tribulation is not yet. Children, I warn you now of death. An increase in the loss of life, the value of life. Suicide and horrific crimes against humanity. Great peril comes to the world. Peril that has been never seen. Prepare yourselves by being found in Me. I warn you , draw close. Do not stray. Time is short. All is coming to pass. You are at the end. My Judgment has come. Man knows not the trial that is before Him. LORD YESHUA
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 02:47:12 +0000

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