"Trust occurs when people stop mistrusting and cease erecting the - TopicsExpress


"Trust occurs when people stop mistrusting and cease erecting the defenses that mistrust demands. That is now happening all across the world in an unprecedented expansion of awareness which is the ONLY way out of the wars and conflicts that have plagued you since before the dawn of recorded history. You have realized there has to be a better way, and there is a better way, and you are now engaging with it in increasing numbers. And that way is by respecting and honoring one another no matter how diverse may be the cultures, ethnicities, religions, and political persuasions which have been used for so long as a means to divide you and set you against each other. Those days are over. "A magnificent coming-together of the human family has commenced. It is like a massive family reunion, a get-together to celebrate a wedding or a birth. And just as in such a celebration, the newly-weds honor each other in their vows, or the parents honor and welcome their new child, all present now make a new and loving start, saluting all the family members (different cultures and countries), and agreeing to release and forgive old scores that had festered instead of being settled. After the celebration, a great lightening of the collective energy field can most definitely be felt by all present. "Open yourselves now to feel that energetic shift, that transformation that is encouraging you to embrace others instead of distrusting and avoiding them. All are ONE --you know that. You can no longer deny it by pretending to be separated by race, religion, class distinction, gender, or supposed value to society. Open up by honoring self and others, and by graciously accepting the recognition offered to you, and feel the divine energy field embracing you as you do so." by John Smallman. Wordpress A Magnificent Coming-Together of the Human Family has Commenced
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 17:13:29 +0000

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