*Tuppance a Bag* This morning I left Walmart after my shift - TopicsExpress


*Tuppance a Bag* This morning I left Walmart after my shift ended, feeling a bit sorry for myself, figuring how I would stretch my funds til payday, feeling guilty over the money I spent for Little Smokies (I cant help it, I love em), trying to figure out how to make myself work on my computer once I got home, wondering where Id find the energy... I was putting my bags in the car, and when I looked up from my usual vantage of staring at the ground about 30 feet ahead of me, and I saw the ubiquitous birds. Walmarts parking lot is practically an aviary in the morning. This morning when I looked up, I saw several of the blackbirds fighting over a scrap of paper. My first thought was to the chocolate donuts Id been waiting a week to get (more guilt). I thought of scattering them for the birds, but then worried what the chocolate would do to them. Then I thought of the sausage biscuit Id just gotten from McDonalds for breakfast; I could eat the sausage and crumble up the bread and at least feed some of the birds. *The Best Things in Life Cost a Dollar* Then I had an inspiration and trudged back into the store. Every morning we have a rack full of loaves of French bread that have reached their expiry date. Theyre on sale for a dollar. I bought a loaf, and went outside, and for about 10-15 minutes, I tore it apart and scattered the pieces in the parking lot. As I tossed the pieces, I talked to the birds... Everybody eats today!... Hey, gulls, thats my food Im sharing with you, you share it with the blackbirds!... Here you go, lady, dont be afraid, go get that big piece there... and similar comments. For 10 or 15 minutes I forgot my worries, my heartache, my loneliness, and had breakfast with a few score birds. But, it wasnt a one-sided relationship... The gulls flew right up to me. I never realized, but theyre not all all-white. One I saw was mottled gray, kind of like a Blue Tick hound. I watched as they performed aerial maneuvers, spilling air out from under their wings to position themselves right above the bit of bread they wanted. Time and again Id see them practically hover in mid-air, like a slow-winged hummingbird. While the gulls may have been prettier with their white plumage, I gave the blackbirds attention, too. I think the gulls may have resented it. But, where the gulls dove and grabbed the bread without seeming to even notice me except as a hazard to navigation, the blackbirds looked at me. They even listened when Id tell one to share, or tell another to go get that big piece over there. They seemed to patiently wait after I explained that there was more coming, but I had to share with the birds across the aisle. Projection, Im sure. But it was still a memorable breakfast. Some people reading this will be annoyed that I encouraged the birds to stay in the parking lot. Yes, birds can and do poop on cars, and can scratch the paint with their claws. But no bird dented my fender and took off without leaving a note. No bird broke into my car, broke my cup holder, stole my usb power adapter and owners manual. No bird maliciously scratched my drivers side window. No bird broke off the antenna. No bird ever stopped to go out of his way to gloat over my perceived misfortunes, either. The birds in the parking lot are no different than the people inside the store. Theres no malice in what they do. Like the people inside, theyre just scrambling, trying to do what they have to to survive. And for them, its a lot more difficult and problematic. After eating breakfast with the birds, I left the parking lot and proceeded on my way home, the song from Mary Poppins going through my head: https://youtube/watch?v=XHrRxQVUFN4 I still feel sad, but also grateful. Yet another experience to add to an already lengthy album of memories. Thank you, God, for my life.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:37:09 +0000

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