“Two main challenges Muslims are facing this century. Violence - TopicsExpress


“Two main challenges Muslims are facing this century. Violence in the name of Islam is on the rise worldwide. While Islam as a religion is fundamentally incompatible with any kind of violence, the vast majority of 1.6 billion muslims are not only sickened/horrified by such violence, but also terrorized because of it. The vast majority of victims of violence/recent wars worldwide are actually Muslims, yet Muslims are viewed as a disruption to an otherwise calm & content world. The fact remains that the perception of the masses worldwide is what’s important on the ground. For muslims in the U.S.A, Europe & other Muslims minority countries, lots of work is needed: 1. Zero tolerance of intra/inter-Islamic hate/incendiary speeches. This kind of violence is poisonous & will inevitably lead to violence. 2. Writers, researchers, media experts, managers, organisers and other professionals are needed, Mosques need to be a hub of neighbourhood activities. Instead of a mysterious spot of isolation i.e Mosques need to become not only worship places, but centres for education & intellectual exchange with all groups of society. 3. Being law-abiding citizens is not good enough. It’s equally important to be good with/known to the people of the land, not just the Law of the land. Share, Love & Care. While praying for all innocent people, especially humans in distress.We pray that Allah the Almighty Guides, Blesses & Protects the USA, UK, Canada and every country and people in the world. Don’t forget to pray for the forgotten souls in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc. The other challenge is increasing atheism within Muslims due to many factors, such as substandard preaching that failed to connect people spiritually, intellectually and academically to our beautiful faith.” Dr. Muhammad b. Yahya al-Ninowy January 2015
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 14:10:41 +0000

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