“UNITED FRONT” WOULD SAVE AFRICA FROM DISINTEGRATING By Onesmo Alfred McBride Ngowi Moshi, Tanzania: Africa is passing through its worst difficult times in years and yet not a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel to save it from disintegrating. The worse decease ever Ebola just a foot away from another deadly scourge HIV/AIDs is eating away massive African population. Malaria; perhaps the worst ever deceases have killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands Africans and yet no solution is near to cure and root out this killer deceases. Africa is going through terrible event after another. Corruptions, embezzlements of public funds and properties are some of the African made deceases that are eating into the billions that would be needed to fund researches to cure several deceases. Africa; home to a billion populations and a mother of the world’s natural resources is disintegrating when the world is watching silently. The worst deadly deceases now in Africa is disunity that have given rise to several terrorist organizations like Al Shaabab, Boko Haram and many others who are killing Africans more than Ebola, HIV Aids and Malaria! As if this is not enough, civil war is another deadly decease that Africans are facing just because of the greediness of few elite people. After graduating from elites colleges in the West and East world, Africans are flocking back to the mother/fatherland with thirst and hunger for wealth. They want to live the same lives like Westerners and Easterners yet they forget one thing; The westerners and easterners live good lives because they have worked out perfect systems of social welfare whereas taxes are funding everything including donations that come to Africa. African elites are forgetting that they have to life African lives and not Westerners or Easterners lives. It is ridiculous when you live amongst poorer and demand to live like millionaires. A very good example of how our civil servants live luxurious lives on the expenses of our taxes, they drive the latest customs made vehicles made in the Western world, drink the latest and expenses champagne, dress the latest designer’s suits made in Western world. Spend millions on weddings, birthdays, and yet an average person income is half a dollar per day! Our civil servants pretend to be living in the third world, yet they mix with riches in major hotels and exclude themselves from the ordinary people they have swore to lead. Unless we form “a united front” Africans would continue to suffer and read from newspapers and tv (that is if they can afford to buy them) about how their continent is rich without benefiting from its wealth. Our educated elites are reaping us plainly by working with the so called investors to take away our natural resources. They collude in contracts and tenders just to get commissions and let millions Africans suffer. Africans should form “a united front” to overcome these decreases. If we don’t, the future generations will judge us from our disunity to save this continent from fragmenting! They call it Africa! We call it Home! Follow us on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Emailing List and Website to know more about Africans and their wealthiest continent!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 01:38:41 +0000

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