**UPDATE ** On the afternoon of the 31st of August, when we all - TopicsExpress


**UPDATE ** On the afternoon of the 31st of August, when we all got the call to say that Calyn had been in an accident and was badly injured, the worst was feared and we were all so completely devastated, to see him so helpless in that hospital bed with a machine keeping him alive and still so unsure if he would even survive we knew that all our lives would never be the same. Knowing he had made the ultimate sacrifice without hesitation or a thought for his own safety made his suffering so much harder to comprehend the possibility of losing him. It felt so unfair. That day we all lost the little Calyn as we had known him. Calyn’s Dad has always said, he would give anything and give up everything to change that horrible day so that his little boy did not go through the pain and suffering he was going through. He would give up everything just to have Calyn well again! There has been so many emotional rollercoaster’s so much change in everyone’s lives, but the one thing we have all tried to do is stay positive and believe that anything was possible. Miracles happen every day and Calyn was going to be one of those miracles. 11months on and we are so lucky to say that today Calyn is a with us, he is our little hero, our inspiration to never give up no matter what the odds are or how hard the journey ahead is that we are faced with. Calyn is our Miracle. At this stage in his recovery Calyn has come a long way he is now undergoing new treatment by some of the world’s best Doctor’s in the world’s best neurological clinic, which his Dad Ben researched and found while waiting for Calyn to come out of his coma. Calyn is doing 4 hours of therapy each day, with the hope of getting him to walk and talk again. The past 3 weeks has seen massive improvements. Calyn has begun eating solid food again, having his first meal of Chicken nuggets and chips the other night and for the first time in a long time mum & dad were able to buy him a happy meal yesterday, this will help to get the mouth muscles moving again with the hope of helping his speech come back. He is using specialised robotic machines to encourage his legs to learn to walk again, he has started to walk on his own, taking small steps whilst supporting himself with railings or tables anything that he can hold onto to allow him the balance he needs, he is even getting himself out of his wheelchair to do this. You can see the determination on his face although he is not quite ready to be walking on his own he is wanting so bad to just get up and go! He still has at least another month of this intense rehab and with the change in just a couple of weeks we are so excited to see how much change is going to happen by the end of it. Calyn is one remarkable 8year old boy that is a Miracle the world is blessed to have. Our little hero and his family now have said goodbye to their small little 3bedroom cottage and have been welcomed home to their newly transformed magnificent 5bedroom disability modified home. A home made for a little hero out of the kindness and love of a Community. The hard work, endless hours and multitude of donations received to make this possible is just unbelievable. Initially when I started this Facebook page and put the call out for a bit of help and a few donations I thought that I may get a few people respond to knock a couple of walls out and put in a disability bathroom just so Calyn could come home, never did I ever imagine that a whole house would be built to give a broken family the dream of a new beginning and make them whole again! 1Our entire family want to take this opportunity to tell you all how overwhelmingly grateful we all are for everything that has been done to help Calyn and his family through the hardest time in their lives, and in ours. The support Calyn and our families have received, the love shown to us all, the new lifelong friendships we have made from our journey and the incredible generosity of so many people is incredible you all have helped us to remain positive and get through so much. You will never know just how much that email you sent, the phone call you made, the comment posted on our page, the $5 or $5000 dollar donation into our bank, the items sent to Calyn and his brother and sister, the stories you have shared with us, has made a difference to our lives, with you all behind us our days have been made easier and Calyn’s determination is stronger. Words will never be enough to explain to you all just how blessed and thankful we are to have your support. Calyn still has a long road to travel in his recovery but we know with the love, kindness and continued support from all of you wonderful people, HE WILL DO IT!!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:55:40 +0000

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