**Urgent - supplicate for our brothers and sisters in - TopicsExpress


**Urgent - supplicate for our brothers and sisters in Gaza** The Israelis are carrying out a ground invasion into Palestine and we are all aware of what this means. This is heart-breaking but we can do something to help! Make Dua (supplicate) to Allaah! This may seem like a small action to us, but indeed, the Dua is the weapon of the believer. Always think good of Your Lord, the One who Created you and Blessed you with everything that you have. **We ask Allaah, through all of His Beautiful Names and Attributes, those which He has taught us and those which He has kept to Himself out of His Great Wisdom and Knowledge: Yaa al-Ghafoor, Yaa ar-Raheem (O the Ever-Forgiving, O the Most Merciful) forgive us and have mercy on us all. Send Your Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his family. Yaa al-Mujeeb (O the Ever Responding One) we ask You on virtue of our month of fasting and prayers, for Your Sake, to strengthen the Muslims, aid them, increase their eemaan (faith/conviction) and their sabr (patience), raise them in their ranks in Paradise, make these trials an expiation and a cleansing for their sins, ease their pain and dispel of them their worries, for verily, You are the Best of Protectors and Guardians and the Best of Helpers. Yaa Rabb al-Aalameen (O Lord of everything that exists) protect and aid the Muslims all over the world. Yaa ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem (O the Possessor of Vast Mercy and the One who allows His Mercy to reach His creation) have Mercy on our dead and grant them Jannat al-Firdaws (the highest part of Paradise). Yaa al-Qawiyy, Yaa al-Mateen, Yaa al-Azeez, (O the Strong One, O the Powerful, O the Almighty) deal with the oppressors just like You dealt with the oppressors of the past - like Firawn - overthrow them, humiliate them, and destroy them. Dont forget that Allaah, the Most High, says in the Quraan: But they plan, and Allaah plans. And Allaah is the best of planners. (8:30) AND Those to whom the people said, Verily, the people have gathered against you, therefore, fear them. But it (only) increased them in faith, and they said: Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs. (3:173)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 04:40:31 +0000

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