Use the internet? Theres a tax for that too. And this time, - TopicsExpress


Use the internet? Theres a tax for that too. And this time, members of both parties are the problem. Of course, the only thing big-government politicians love more than spending your money is taking away more of it. MICHAEL, are you prepared to pay taxes to use online services like Google, Facebook, Ebay or Netflix? How about surrendering even more money to help finance ObamaCare? If your answer is a resounding NO, then please keep reading. President Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and unfortunately even a number of Republicans are looking at a new source of revenue through the Internet Sales Tax. Of course, when tax-and-spend politicians introduce controversial legislation, they make sure to give it a name thatll be more receptive to taxpayers. Thats why theyre calling it the Marketplace Fairness Act in an attempt to hide its obvious implications from you. But make no mistake. Nothing about this big-government boondoggle is fair. You see, the Internet Sales Tax would hand the Federal Government massive new controls over state tax policies and set the stage for government at all levels to tax, regulate and track every transaction you make on the Internet. The Internet Sales Tax would also create an online regulatory nightmare that will wreak havoc on businesses by forcing them to comply with 50 separate tax codes. Thats why its critical you sign the petition DEMANDING my colleagues in the House and Senate vote NO on the Internet Sales Tax. Ill give you a link in just a moment, but first, let me explain exactly whats at stake. Tax-and-spend politicians are foaming at the mouth fantasizing about new spending programs they can create by using additional taxpayer dollars. Today, instead of finding ways to cut spending and reduce taxes to get our economy going again, members of both parties are moving to squeeze even more money from the American people Money that they intend to use in their efforts to fund and create more government programs like ObamaCare and Medicaid expansion. MICHAEL, the last thing we need is more taxes for the purpose of implementing more government. Thats why its so critical you sign your No Internet Sales Tax petition. nationalleagueoftaxpayers/NLT_IST_Petition.aspx?pid=0313b
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:56:17 +0000

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