#VA mistruth. I listen to the FOX News interview with Sec Robert - TopicsExpress


#VA mistruth. I listen to the FOX News interview with Sec Robert McDonald this morning while driving back from UVBH Promise, SD after winterizing the Veterans Transitional Home. I listened intently to see what he had to say. Well no surprises, the same rhetoric. He has been in place for 4 months. Such statement like we have reduce homeless Veterans by 30%. I do not know where this miracle happened or is it another lie like Shinseki stated to Congress that he talked to ALL Veterans Service Organizations every month. The Secretary is giving out his cell phone number to all, yet he will not and has not called me or taken my calls over the numerous times even though I have given him my phone numbers. The Secretary has 35 Executives that need to lose their positions, bonuses and pensions as well as their Administrative Leave continued wages or income. Even the Director of the Phoenix VAMC is still on Administrative Leave with full pay. Is there something wrong with the picture???????? What about the 1000+ others that are on the list to loose their job, not many when there is over 300,000 working for the VA and let me be clear, Many will still be with the VA Job in a Years time, Many will sit home watching television everyday while the taxpayers are paying for the Administrative Paid Leave for something they did WRONG. DO these scum have NO GUILT, NO REMORSE? Then he stated that he has to employ 28,000 medical and nursing staff and I suspect they will be employed under the same employment contract. They get a legal tribunal and even when the judgment comes down, they have 28 days to appeal. Can anyone imagine how much man power it is going to take to put together the legal paperwork on all these people and the time taken to set up with tribunals. The CONTRACTS need to change for ALL the new Employees. The Taxpayer cannot continue to pay for Federal Employees to be on paid Administrative Leave while a group of Lawyers get paid to figure it all out. The Secretary states the Job is Personal to him. Hell my Job as National Commander of the Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc & The Veterans Coalition is important to me and I can guarantee that I have put in more Blood Sweat and Tears for Veterans and Homeless Veterans than the Secretary or his Cohort Jeffrey Quarles and anyone in the Veterans Administration. So this is the Same Shit, Just a Different Day. He is making statement that will be completed in 12 months that he can never deliver. If he cannot respond to me or call me or meet with me to reconcile the situation set up by Jeffery Quarles who works for Sec Robert McDonald. How is he every going to do anything except be as 60 minutes stated a Soap Salesman. President Obama will be retired and the VA will still be Fraudulent, still Lie, cause Deceit, Blackmail and will create Vendetta against those that tell the TRUTH. We already know this from what has happened to the patriotic and truthful WHISTLEBLOWERS. That is scandalous.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:14:32 +0000

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