VOA Amharic services being the mouthpiece of the Ethiopian - TopicsExpress


VOA Amharic services being the mouthpiece of the Ethiopian regime is not news to me.I ceased to listen to it around 2007-08.I also witnessed the true color of Henok Semazger Fente during Abebe Gellaws phenomenal heckling of Meles Zenawi in 2012.Henok who was there in the Reagan building to witness the sheer humiliation of Zenawi, had not only deliberately failed to report it.Later when Shaka Ssali,host of Straight Talk Africa on VOA put him on his show to ask him what is it thats so important for Ethiopians that you hadnt reported to the extent of generating their wrath? (paraphrased the question),Henok was still reluctant to mention the one significant and news worthy incident. As for Peter Heinlein,I wont say much except commenting on the allegation that among other things, Peter discriminates against elderly VOA staff.If proven to be true,I find it ironic since the Muzungu himself is not getting any younger.When I saw him in 2010 in Kampala from a close up,he struck me as a man in his mid fifties.Hence the irony reminds me of the Ethiopian saying The big poor doesnt like the small poor. Last but not least,Henok tries to fool the world sometimes by pretending to be impartial and critical of the Ethiopian regime when appearing on English programs on VOA such as Reporters Roundtable.Appearing democrat and advocate of free expression in a foreign language not understood by the majority of Ethiopians while obfuscating truth on behalf of tyranny, is an outdated gimmick of the regime authored by the deceased dictator which Henok seems to have embraced successfully. Douglas Mpuga
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 22:35:27 +0000

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