~ Virtual Blog Tour ~ Book Review ~ Storm Siren by Mary Weber - TopicsExpress


~ Virtual Blog Tour ~ Book Review ~ Storm Siren by Mary Weber ~ Its a tour stop! ~ About the Book ~ I raise my chin as the buyers stare. Yes. Look. You dont want me. Because, eventually, accidentally, I will destroy you. In a world at war, a slave girls lethal curse could become one kingdoms weapon of salvation. If the curse - and the girl - can be controlled. As a slave in the war-weary kingdom of Faelen, seventeen-year-old Nym isnt merely devoid of rights, her Elemental kind are only born male and always killed at birth - meaning, she shouldnt even exist. Standing on the auction block beneath smoke-drenched mountains, Nym faces her fifteenth sell. But when her hood is removed and her storm-summoning killing curse revealed, Nym is snatched up by a court advisor and given a choice: be trained as the weapon Faelen needs to win the war, or be killed. Choosing the former, Nym is unleashed into a world of politics, bizarre parties, and rumors of an evil more sinister than shes being prepared to fight . . . not to mention the handsome trainer whose dark secrets lie behind a mysterious ability to calm every lightning strike she summons. But what if she doesnt want to be the weapon theyve all been waiting for? Set in a beautifully eclectic world of suspicion, super abilities, and monsters, Storm Siren is a story of power. And whoever controls that power will win. You can add this book on Goodreads, and find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books A Million. ~ Genre ~ Christian/Fantasy Romance ~ My Rating ~ **** (4 stars) ~ My Review ~ This book was under my radar for quite a while before I finally got my hands on it. And, might I add that the cover is one of the loveliest I’ve ever seen? The story started off quite promising—it’s the story of Nym, an elemental, whose female kind is not supposed to exist. But obviously, she was created for a reason. I loved the sense of purpose that permeated throughout this story. The message was relatively clear—anyone could be used by the Creator to accomplish His works. I found the characters to be similar in attributes to other fictional characters, although, they were interesting and refreshing in a unique sort of way. If you’ve seen/read the DC Comics/Marvel movies/books, you’ll get my meaning. Also, I couldn’t shake the thought that the villain was an offspring mix of Dracula and the Big Bad Wolf of Little Red Riding Hood, but with a unique twist as well. Generally, the plot played out well, albeit not the conventional romantic sort of way—some parts of it predictable, and others, with surprising twists. But in my opinion, the story did not fully deliver on the excitement that the blurb, tagline, and cover promised. As I read this book, I saw so much potential in the story becoming explosively rich in its cultural setting, in the development of the characters as a whole, and in the overall execution of the plot and theme. The plot had the tendency to be complex, and should have been more meticulously managed. But I sense the author held back, rounding up some scenes with less literary attention than they deserved. Simply put, this story lacked depth in certain plot elements. There were some parts of it that shouldn’t have been brushed over so quickly, and so lightly. Finally, I didn’t like the overall gruesomeness of the story at all. As a reader, I get invested in not only the main characters, but in the strong secondary characters as well. To have them “flimsily” exit a story is way too much injustice for my taste. I get that bad things happen, and that sometimes you lose the nice ones for good to prevail, but the final events of this story left too much bad taste in my mouth. Even if I wanted to talk myself into appreciating the course of the story, the end/final scene was the last straw. Rather than put me on a cliffhanger, it put me off. Though there’s hope for a turnaround down the series, I still found it much too intolerable. Overall, the writing was good. In fact, it IS a nice fantasy story (hence the reason for the 4 stars). Just wasn’t exactly my taste—bittersweet? *Although I offer this review to the public, it is my opinion and simply that. My appreciation to Thomas Nelson Publishing and publicist, Laura Pol, for a free copy in exchange for my honest opinion. ~ Watch the Trailer! ~ https://youtube/watch?v=k79C_iOmpvQ&feature=youtu.be ~ Giveaway! ~ There will be a giveaway of two copies of Storm Siren, two $5 Starbucks gift cards, and one Storm Siren inspired necklace made by Mary’s daughter! Simply join via a rafflecopter giveaway form by following the link to the post on my blog: wp.me/p2xc8z-iS ~ About the Author ~ Mary Weber is a ridiculously uncoordinated girl plotting to take over make-believe worlds through books, handstands, and imaginary throwing knives. In her spare time, she feeds unicorns, sings 80s hairband songs to her three muggle children, and ogles her husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. They live in California, which is perfect for stalking L.A. bands, Joss Whedon, and the ocean. Find Mary on Twitter (@mchristineweber), Facebook (facebook/marychristineweber), and her website (mchristineweber) Follow the tour on the publicist page: craftybooksheeps.blogspot/2014/08/blog-tour-kick-off-schedule-storm-siren.html #StormSiren #MaryWeber #ThomasNelson #ChristianFantasy #ChristianFantasyRomance
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:47:40 +0000

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