(WARNING: Another long one. Short status readers may want to exit - TopicsExpress


(WARNING: Another long one. Short status readers may want to exit now--->) EVANGELISM 102 (CHRISTMAS DAY): People of God, today was a bit unusual for me. I was not able to get to my moms house for Christmas so Ive been home most of today. However, I am learning that even on holidays, the LORD is yet at work! This morning at about 8:30 a.m. I went to do laundry because it was long overdue. (Yes, I did laundry on Christmas day!) I was going to wait and do it tomorrow but, for some reason (unknown to me at that time), I just felt a push to do it today. Well, of course, when I got there, it was fairly quiet (with only 3 other people there) because with today being Christmas day, quite naturally, everyone was home, still and with their families. Shortly after I arrived, the 3 people that were there finished and left which left me in the laundromat alone. I was a little concerned because all of the stores and things around me were closed which meant very little movement out and about and with the way crime has been here lately, ANYTHING could happen. I continued on to do my laundry and was folding my last 3 loads when I saw 2 young men drive up. They seemed to be late teens or early twenties. Nevertheless, they came in with pants sagging, one had on a baseball cap turned to the side, the other had dreadlocks and they both had tattoos all around their neck and on their arms. Of course, I immediately started to pray and VISUALLY prejudged them according to their looks (which I later had to repent for!) They came on in, dropped a few things in the washer and were talking. One was cursing a little as he talked and the other did the same. Eventually, they left. However, just as I got down to folding the last few pieces of clothing, they came back. As they were having a conversation, I overheard one of them say, I want to be saved but I dont want to be like my dad! It was at THAT moment that my Spirit quickened and the Lord, IMMEDIATELY, spoke to say, Adrienne, LISTEN! I couldnt hear the full conversation and not desiring to appear to as though I was eavesdropping, I continued to fold clothes. The young man repeated himself AGAIN along with mentioning something about prayer. I KNEW, at that moment, that GOD was setting me up and that THIS was my SOLE reason for being at that laundromat this morning! As I finished my clothing, I spoke directly to the fear that initially gripped me concerning their outer appearance and I picked up my basket to leave out. Wouldnt you know that they were walking out at THE SAME time! So when we all made it to the door, I heard the Lord say, NOW! Thats when I looked up at one of the young brothers and I jokingly asked, So, tell me whats wrong with being saved? Why dont you want to be like your dad? Yall THAT opened the door for me to witness to THEM BOTH! He never hesitated in talking to me FOR ONE MOMENT and he just opened up about EVERYTHING! I discerned that they were ready because BOTH were extremely receptive to the conversation. NOT because I beat them across the head with scriptures but because GOD GRACED ME to give them JESUS right where they were! Needless to say, that was two more SNATCHED from the dark side and INTO THE KINGDOM! YES LORD! Of course, I felt like doing my usual run around the parking lot because I was so overjoyed!!! :-DEvery single bit OF THE GLORY belongs to GOD! My desire is to become more like Him and NOT look at the outer appearance but look at the heart! Those young mens appearance looked unfavorable YET there was something in them (even in the midst of their language) that wanted GOD! I dont even know their names but GOD DOES! Im just glad they said, YES to God! Please keep the young brothers in your prayers! #TheHarvestIsPlentiful #HedgesAndHighways (Oh yes, I almost forgot.....The moral of the story is NEVER prejudge according to appearance. You never know who GOD may use YOU to draw unto HIM!)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 01:36:46 +0000

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