***WARNING! BLOG POST AHEAD!! GRAB A GIN & TONIC!!**** You - TopicsExpress


***WARNING! BLOG POST AHEAD!! GRAB A GIN & TONIC!!**** You know...if I died tomorrow, Id like for people to remember me in this way: That Pitts. She was a grab the bull by the horns kind of gal. No excuses that one. And boy would she give it to you straight. No bullshit. Just tell it like it is. The good, the bad, and every last detail of the ugly you wished she had kept to herself. And a crafty one too. She was all BRING IT PINTEREST. And remember that time she showed all the internets how she pissed her pants? _____________ Oh no? Well let me tell you. After some deep thinking on my shitty-ass bike ride today, I came to the conclusion that I was going to share with you all some moments Ive really NEEDED a photo to capture the HILARITY that is my life some times. Pictures I typically reserve for my mama tribe, but ya know?, what the hell...there are life lessons here to be told. They include: Dont let the fact that you have shot out large bodies of flesh and bone and human cranium through your ladybits only to have destroyed any and all pelvic floor you may have had prior (the kind that keep you from pissing all over yourself halfway through the fastest 10k youve ever run) keep you from living life. No. Dont let that stop you....JUST DO IT. Do the thang. Who cares whos behind you feeling sorry for your sweaty ass. Zack told me a girl blew by him in the Publix Marathon one year whod crapped her pants. Did she cry? Goodness no. She just kept right on running her ass along. Why? BECAUSE ITS ALLLLLL GOOOD. This shit happens to me (not the shit, actually, thank god). And it happened last night, again. Every time I run fast. But the more it continues to happen - the harder I push myself and the faster I run - Im all WHATEVER. Like old people who fart all the time. I just. Dont. Care. So there is that. Dont make excuses for why you cant do something. 4 years ago I got my ass off the couch and started running and racing and doing triathlon. The thing that turned that very first 5k into a lifestyle for me was by deciding that it would be that - and that meant NO EXCUSES. I could no longer be too sick or too tired. I just had to get out the door. And that has led to some of the greatest feelings I have about myself, my body, and my strengths - in all my life. I have been sick for 10 days now with something called Adenovirus (photo included for your viewing pleasure). Basically a gnarly persistent sore throat with conjunctivitis in both eyes!! JOYS! I woke up this morning and thought...yeah no. Im not riding today. And then after some oatmeal and 5 cups of coffee, I thought - ehhhh, what the hell. Ill go for just an hour. Well, that hour turned in to 30 miles. And it was slow, and I wanted to keel over - but now that its done? HUZZAH! FEELING AWESOME! And Botox. I am a proud sponsor. I was tired of looking angry all the time. So after years and years of complaining about it I decided to JUST DO IT already. Do the damn thing. And I did. And god love it. And the following are some precious moments from that day I shot my face all up with ALLTHETHINGS. I decided this needed to be seen. Because sometimes you find yourself alone in a doctors office with your face covered in KY Jelly waiting for someone to come inject you with Botulism and you LOVE this irony because the night before you just spent 60 minutes in the shampoo aisle at Rite Aid trying reading ingredient labels to be sure you werent getting too many toxins. I have lots of these. My race photos are splendid examples of how I have lived my life to the fullest. In fact - I will share one with you that I hope is maybe offered up, life-size, at my funeral. Because living the good life for me, is about not taking a whole lot seriously. So in closing. Just remember: 1. JUST DO IT. No regrets. Live your life to the fullest. 2. Take a photo. 3. Keep it real.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 17:40:57 +0000

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