***WARNING***EXTREMELY LONG AND EMOTIONAL POST! Neighbors. A simple, unassuming word. Neighbor. What, or who, do you think of when you hear that word? Do you think of it as someone you wave to in the yard? Someone that you have a casual conversation with over the fence? Or is it someone you avoid at all costs??? I want to tell you what Neighbor means, and has meant, to me and my family for the past 13 years... Friendship. True, deep, friendship-the kind where you feel like family but you have a choice in the matter. The kind that when there is an emergency, you just show up, not wondering for a second whether you should go or not. The kind that will drive you to the hospital going 90, at 1am and not talk because they know you so well...It means Security. Knowing that there is that someone there for whatever you need-whether it is laundry detergent or door knob changed- you always know they are there. Neighbor, means always having a place to go on the Holidays if you cant be with your real family (and most of the time having more fun!). Halloween Queen-or as you preferred-Halloween Nazi! We have spent them all together, at least once, over the past 13 years...It means being there for Births (ok, so that one is all me, BUT, I was around for all of Janes!) and sickness. Sometimes Life changing sickness (the Incident) and sometimes sickness that you were afraid would be life changing. (McKinleys PFAPA) And surgeries-sheesh, we have been through some surgeries together-some major-hello Bone Marrow Donor! And some minor-UGH-KIDNEY STONES! (no worries, I promise to not mention YOUR minor one)...It means being there for birthdays-LOTS of Birthdays-both milestone and the just happy to be alive ones...Neighbor, means watching our kids grow up together-right before our very eyes. (Remember when Em was Mullett???) Watching them play and fight. Watching them take care of each other and watch out for each other...Still not sure what Sis will do without Garrett across the street to help her get in the house when she forgets her keys. It means watching them go from playing with toys, PLAY-DOH (HA!), and the sandbox to playing video games, watching movies and driving-yikes! And even graduating and going off to college...It means vacationing together, near and far, with and without kids...It means Parties. Lots and lots of parties. Id like to think that you learned from the Best! We have had some really great parties-Red neck water slide, anyone??? From Fire pit parties and pool parties. Kid parties and 40th Birthdays, to porch sittin and New Years Eve...There was a party for every job promotion and graduation...and everything in between... It could go on and on...But what Neighbor means most to me are the Memories. 13 years of memories with these people we call Neighbors. 13 years of life events. 13 years of Laughing and crying together, of bickering and debating, of agreeing and disagreeing, and sometimes agreeing to disagree. 13 years of being there for each other, no matter what life threw at us... Today was moving day. I saw the big U-Haul and just looked away, because if I refuse to look, maybe it wont really be there. If I refuse to look, maybe this is not really happening...But it is and you are... I brought my Neighbors dinner tonight, after they spent all day moving. I walked into their now empty house and set it on the counter for when they got home. It was empty, bare walls and cleaned out rooms. But, as I stood there, I could still see and hear, and even FEEL all the memories we had made in that house over the last 13 years as neighbors, as friends...as family. That, we will always be... And while you are only moving just a few short miles up the road, we all know how life is fast and furious and well, time is unforgiving. I will hold these memories dear-ALWAYS. I hope you will too. I am really going to miss my Neighbors.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 03:15:50 +0000

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