**WARNING...LONG STATUS** ARG!!! HALF WAY THROUGH THE STATUS UPDATE AND I ACCIDENTALLY CLICKED SOMETHING AND ALL OF IT IS GONE!!!!!!!!!! BUT anyway here is my day...Drive to Ava from Joplin 630am-830am. No biggie. Forgot my work key. Meh, still no big deal just borrow the spare from the person with a spare key who I will not name. Later, Papa comes by and asks me to help him get a new phone from Verizon since his wont turn on or charge. Wait 20 minutes after what time they were supposed to be open, still not a problem since I know that everyone runs late every now and again...including myself...No upgrade available, and the cheapest plain flip phone is $200!!! Papa asks why it says $59.99. I try explaining to him about contracts and getting discounts when you are eligible, which he wasnt. I gave up trying to help him understand. Starting to get annoyed with the day. Realize I locked my key in the car (which I had to manually lock each door since it is not automatic so totally my fault). Everything was in the car. Baby food, diapers, toys, cell charger, my watermelon, a frozen corndog for Olivias lunch, my scentsy wax samples, my slim fast chocolate bars, my laptop, pretty much everything but cell phone, me and baby. I call David 3 times before I am able to reach him. (He is working so that is not a complaint) He calls the insurance for them to unlock the car. He even lied and said baby was in the car so they would hurry, so they said up to two hours! Well an hour and 50 minutes later I text David and said good thing baby wasnt in the car. He called the guy and they said they didnt know where it was, no call or anything! After David gave him directions he said eta 25 minutes. 45 minutes after that call, he shows up. Now, if you are counting that is almost 4 hours without baby supplies since we didnt have them for the hour or so before I realized the door was locked!!! He tries to be friendly and I am pretty mad. Still nice to him since he came into the store (hate to lose a customer), but I didnt initiate a ton of conversations with him like I try to do with other customers. That was just the crap from this morning. I am trying to be a happy positive person...but that is a lot of stuff. Things not far behind from the past week or so...Olivia is almost one, she is growing up too fast and planning two awesome parties. Have a Scentsy party Sunday and have all of a sudden lost like 20 catalogs but dont want to replace them since it is only 10 days before the new stuff, plus I doubt I have time to order anyway. Have homework due tonight but still have not received my books (the syllabus from one class wasnt up until a few days ago which has the list of books) (I bought online so I didnt spend as much so I also had to wait a little longer than normal). I have hit a plateau in weight loss. I am having a hard time making time/staying inspired to exercise. I keep letting myself eat really bad food, and too much of it. A bunch of anger at hospitals because Papa needs taken care of and they are postponing because they are not fully aware of his history. Pretty much everything all days is stressing me out!!! SIGH!!! That kinda was nice to let it all out. Maybe I will win that massage or mani/pedi...OR maybe my AMAZING husband will take me to SDC to ride some roller coasters this weekend...
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:30:32 +0000

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