(WE! ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD;) in 1 Corinthians 3:9a.) - TopicsExpress


(WE! ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD;) in 1 Corinthians 3:9a.) *GENESIS 41: 32- And for that The Dream was (DOUBLED) unto Pharaoh TWICE; - ESTABLISHED (BY GOD!) * (THE 1ST. DOMINION) of The KINGDOM, Were to The JEWS, in Micah 4:8: * IN! Matthew 19:28- And Jesus said unto them, - in The Regeneration When The (SON OF MAN) shall SIT (IN) The THRONE of His Glory, Ye also Shall (SIT UPON 12 THRONES) Judging the 12 Tribes of Israel. * PSALM 122:5; (12 SET THRONES of JUDGMENT!) * DURING! (THE 2ND. DOMINION;) The TIMES of The GENTILES in Luke 21:24b: GEORGE Washington and (12 ON THE PRESIDENTIAL THRONE!) * (DOUBLED) * HE! Appointed The first (10 JUDGES) to The (THRONE) of Supreme Court; JOHN Rutledge twice: President JOHN ADAMS Appointed 3; (10 JUDGES) Served during WASHINGTONS Presidency and (2 JUDGES) During ADAMS’! A total of (12 JUDGES SET UPON THE THRONE) of the SUPREME COURT! JESUS! Told the JEWISH (HUSBANDMEN) in Matthew 21:40-43b- The KINGDOM of God SHALL be TAKEN from You, and Given to a NATION Bringing forth The (FRUITS THEREOF!) *THERE! Is (NO NEW THING) Under the SUN, in Ecclesiastes 1:9a: * HOWEVER! During The Time of The REOCCURRENCE/ RESTITUTION of ALL things in Acts 3:21: * GOD! Gave The THEOCRACY/DEMOCRACY Kingdom to GEORGE Washington, (THE HUSBANDMAN; GEORGE,) Being interpreted to Mean FARMER; FARMER (HUSBANDMAN!) HE! Was The FATHER of The U. S. A. and John ADAMS Served as The (SON OF THE HUSBANDMAN!) * OF! Which, JESUS Spoke (SPIRITUALLY) in John 15:1- I Am (THE TRUE VINE,) and (My FATHER IS THE HUSBANDMAN!) * JESUS! Was (THE 2ND ADAM) in 1 Corinthians 15:45: * (THE 1ST. ADAM) in Genesis 2:7. OF! Whom, in Luke 3:38b- (ADAM,) which was (THE SON OF GOD!) * JESUS! IS, in John 3:18b- The Only (BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD!) * JOHN ADAMS/THE 3RD. ADAM! THE! 3RD. HEAVEN in 2 Corinthians 12:2: 3RD. 490 YEARS/70ty. Weeks of Daniel 9:24: Were Determined upon the People (THE 3RD. TIME) Beginning in 1492 A.D. when COLUMBUS Discovered (THE NEW WORLD) in Ephesians 1:21b. (THE! AMERICAS!) * VIRGINIA/THE NEW EARTH in Revelation 21:1: Was Colonized in 1607 AD. WHEN! GOD, in Ephesians 1:10- That in the Dispensation of (THE FULNESS OF TIMES,) HE might gather together (IN ONE) ALL Things in CHRIST, Both which are (IN HEAVEN,) and which are (ON EARTH;) Even IN HIM! * (IN HEAVEN!) in The (KJV) Holy Bible; (ON EARTH!) in Encyclopedias and Historical Books! * (GEORGE) Washington Was (THE 1ST. HUSBANDMAN) of Revelation 1:14 a- HIS HEAD and his HAIRS were WHITE like Wool, as WHITE as SNOW! 1:15a-And his FEET were like (FINE BRASS!) HE! Was the Top BRASS/General of the Armies and Became a FARMER/HUSBANDMAN; After His Presidency and Made Corn and Rye Whiskey of His (VINEYARD!) * DURING! (THE 3RD. HEAVEN;) THE! BLACK Americans SAINTS of GOD! TOOK The KINGDOMS in Daniel 7:14: The 7 KINGDOMS of This WORLD in Revelation 11:15! * At - https://facebook/pages/Author-G-N-Holman-Ministry/159330774145892?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:49:16 +0000

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