(WE! ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD;) in 1 Corinthians 3:9a.) * - TopicsExpress


(WE! ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD;) in 1 Corinthians 3:9a.) * 1Corinthians 15:46; First NATURAL and Afterward SPIRITUAL! * JESUS! Opened the PHYSICAL EYES, Feed the HUNGRY and Raised the DIED of The NATURAL Body! * HOWEVER! HE Counted SPIRITUAL Works GREATER Than NATURAL Works. * (GOOD NEWS!) * GOD! Has CALLED US, To Open The EYES of The (SPIRITUAL BLIND!) The EYES of Their (UNDERSTANDING) in Ephesians 1:18: To give Them CLEAR SPIRITUAL INSIGHT According to (THE WORD OF GOD) in The (KJV) Holy Bible! * TO! FEED GODS PEOPLE (KNOWLEDGE) OF HIS WORD/SON! * TO! Raise the DEAD Out of SIN to NEWNESS of LIFE in CHRIST! * Proverbs 29:18- Where there is (NO VISION,) the PEOPLE PERISH. Also, in Hosea 4:6- My People are DESTROYED for THE LACK OF (KNOWLEDGE.) Roman 10:2a- They have A ZEAL of GOD, but NOT According (TO KNOWLEDGE.) * Luke 11:52- Woe unto You, LAWYERS! - Ye have Taken Away (THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE:) - Them that were ENTERING in, Ye HINDERED. (JESUS! THE WORD OF GOD,) in John 14:6- JESUS said unto him, I am the way, the TRUTH; and the LIFE: NO Man Cometh unto THE FATHER but by ME. 14:7- If ye had known ME, ye should have known MY FATHER ALSO: and from henceforth ye KNOW HIM, and have SEEN HIM. * (TO HAVE UNDERSTANING OF THE WORD/ SON OF GOD, IS TO HAVE KNOWLEDGE/THE FATHER!) * JESUS! (THE WORD,) said in John 16:28a- I Came forth from The FATHER: (KNOWLEDGE!) Proverbs 24:5- A wise man is STORNG; yea, a man of (KNOWLEDGE INCREASETH STRENGTH.)* GOD! KNOWLEDGE, is The FATHER OF SPIRITS in Hebrews 12:9: * TWO! Kinds of KNOWLEDGE/ SPIRITS; GOOD and EVIL! * HOWEVER! It’s Not a SIN TO KNOW EVIL; its a SIN TO DO EVIL! * WHATEVER! SPIRIT We Open Ourselves UP TO/LET ENTERTAIN US, WILL! Come into US and OCCUPY OUR MINDS/HEARTS; BODIES! * JESUS! Said in John 6:63 -The (WORDS) that I speak unto you, they are (SPIRIT) and they are (LIFE!) * The (WORDS) of the Humanist, Atheist, Evolutionist are (SPIRIT) and they are (DEATH!) JOHN 14:23- If a man LOVE ME, He will keep MY WORDS: and MY FATHER will LOVE Him, and (WE) will COME unto Him and Make (OUR ABODE WITH HIM!) * IN! What Form? (GOD THE FATHER/ KNOWLEDGE and GOD THE SON/WORD!) * John 10:29- My FATHER, which gave them ME, is GREATER THAN ALL: and NO MAN is able to PLUCK them out of MY FATHER’S HAND. * (KNOWLEDGE/THE FATHER; IS GREATER THAN, THE WORD/SON!) * GOD! Told Me to WRITE; FEED Those WHO are SPIRITUALLY HUNGRY, STRENGTHEN and HEAL THE FAINT OF HEART, Give LIFE to THE DRY BORNS and To HEAL THEIR BACKSLIDING in Hosea 14:4. * JESUS! said to SAUL/ PAUL in Acts 26:18a - To OPEN their EYES, and to TURN them from DARKNESS TO LIGHT, and from THE POWER of SATAN unto GOD! * 1 John 5:19- And WE know that WE ARE OF GOD, and THE WHOLE WORLD lieth in WICKEDNESS! * SATAN/WORLDLY, Secular Carnal KNOWLEDGE/Fleshly Mind in Romans 8:4-7b- Is Enmity against GOD! *At - https://facebook/pages/Author-G-N-Holman-Ministry/159330774145892.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:50:31 +0000

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