(WE! ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD;) in 1 Corinthians 3:9a.) * - TopicsExpress


(WE! ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD;) in 1 Corinthians 3:9a.) * SO! That Every WORD OF GOD, Would Be Established and NOT Return unto HIM VOID! * IN! 2004 A.D. The Movie, (THE PASSION OF CHRIST) was Released and VIEWED! During that Time; MANY People were RAPTURED/CAUGHT UP or CARRIED AWAY With Great JOY, LOVE or ECSTASY unto The LORD! * ACCORDING! To what The Word (RAPTURE/ CAUGHT-UP!) in The Webster’s (ENGLISH) Dictionary is being interpreted to mean in The (KJV) ENGLISH Holy Bible * 1 Thessalonians 4:17- Then WE which are Alive and Remain Shall Be (CAUGHT UP) together with them In The (CLOUDS,) to Meet The LORD in The (AIR:) and so Shall WE Ever Be With (THE LORD.) * LET! (NOT) This Come Upon (YOU) in HABAKKUK 1:5b- I Will WORK a WORK in Your DAYS, Which Ye will NOT Believe, (THOUGH IT BE TOLD YOU!) GOOD NEWS! These Words in the (ENGLISH) Language (KJV) Holy Bible are (THE NEW THINGS,) Which The LORD Made in Revelation 21:5b: (CLOUDS) Means - to make Unclear, to Darken, something that has a Dark , Lowering, or Threatening Aspect, and to Grow (CLOUDY;) which is being interpreted to mean – Darkened by Gloom or Anxiety. * As it is written in Joel 2:1b- For, the Day of The LORD Cometh, for it is Nigh At Hand. Joel 2:2a- A DAY of DARKNESS and of GLOOMINESS a DAY of (CLOUDS) and of Thick DARKNESS. * (AIR!) Being interpreted – the Medium of Transmission of Radio Waves; Radio, Television or Internet (NEWS!) * THE! Year of 2004 A.D. was also the Year the Devastating Earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused a Tsunami to come to ashore at a speed of 500 Miles per. Hour. The People were Eating, Drinking, Marring and Giving in Marriage as it is written in Matthew 24:38: Also as in 24:39: and they did Not know that the (Tsunami/Flood) was Coming until it Came and took them all away; so Shall the Coming of (THE SON OF MAN BE.) LEFT BEHIND! The Great Earthquake in Revelation 16:18! *(Almost all things being doubled;) 2005 A.D. Was the year that Hurricane Katrina occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana! * AS! it is written in Matthew 24:37-38: As it were I the Days of Noah: 24:39- And knew Not until The Flood Came, and took them all away; so shall also the Coming of (THE SON OF MAN BE!) * MATTEW 24:40- Then shall 2 be in the Field; the ONE shall be Taken and the OTHER Left. When Katrina occurred; the ONES which was Taken Out of Harms away; were the RICH and the WHITE! The POOR and BLACK Americans; Were (LEFT BEHIND) at the Foot Ball Stadium! The same thing occurred with The 2 Men on their Sick Bed/Cart, The 2 Women Grinding and The 2 in the Field in 17:34, 35-36! The POOR and BLACK were (LEFT BEHIND) in each of these cases! * This is Not Something that I have Made Up, Nor a (LEFT BEHIND) Theory/Movie or something Which might Occur; But an Accurate Account of what have Already Occurred! ** WRITTEN By - George N. Holman; At - https://facebook/pages/Author-G-N-Holman-Ministry/159330774145892. Have a Blessed Day in the Lord and Thanks!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 10:26:10 +0000

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