~~~ WHAT WE LEARN FROM OUR `LOVE-MOTHER BABA? AND WHAT WE OFFER TO OUR MOTHER TO GET HER BLESSINGS ~~~ Can we found our selfishness in the name of our devotion by imprisioned our LOVE MOTHER BABA for years, shows in the above photo of lost days`? giving us deep sarrow, whenever we see the above photo is a fact to our small love-hearts? Again we want and ask our love mother to come in an incarnation of body as `PREMA SAI`! is it necessary to come and ask our `love mother` to be imprisioned again like this in a body? Please think ourselves in a wise thinking in a real knowledge to catch `nirakaram`(one shapeless state of God) in good teachings of our `love mother`, So we should be changed in that path to be as `Prema sai` ourselves, atlist some of us will be allowed to clean the dirt from garbage with bad-smell around us by oueselves, 1st of all in our sorroundings with an possitive attempt of devotion as an instrument of `BABA`! Then only Baba blessed and allowed us in`Nirakaram` behind us to see his shape in us as a `LOVE-MASTER`, So our Sai devotees change our attitude now to find out the Baba as `shape-less God` that is Baba`. Baba came for us in a body to show, how is the selfless `LOVE` in a creativity of our `Satya Sai Baba World Organisation` is one of renowned `ONE LOVE` of service to needy people is a great effort of our love mother for future generations to work selflessly in this `factory` to get more finished product of `ONE UNIVERSAL LOVE` in the name of `ONE SELF-LESS LOVE IS BABA` is forever as living `GOD` and we are as devotees of Baba, and we are all limbs of Baba in action and instrumentation of his `LOVE` teachings` should be all of our motto! No teacher have teached these teachings like Baba in a practical way of LOVE-attachments in a creativity organisation! WITH THE BLESSES OF `SAIRAM`......................... 1 ShareLikeLike · · Promote · Share.. Rajeev Goswami likes this.. Vallampati Swarup Saroja I HAVE NO TEARS TO EXPRESS MY GRIEF OF SARROW WHENEVER SEEN THE ABOVE PHOTO. 53 minutes ago · Like .. Vallampati Swarup Saroja OH! SELFISH WRONG PATH OF DEVOTION! PLEASE TRY TO DISSOLVE OUR `HARD`- HEARTS IN TO `SOFT` LOVE-HEARTS! IF NOT THERE IS NO MEANING, VALUE AND PURITY OF A DEVOTION. 49 minutes ago · Like .. .. Vallampati Swarup Saroja Latha Sairam Swami does everything for a reason! We just have to accept. Sairam. 4 minutes ago · Like .. Vallampati Swarup Saroja WHO DENY BABA , EVERYBODY ACCEPT BABA AS ONE UNIVERSAL MOTHER OF ONE-LOVE, BECAUSE IT WAS NOT FAULT OF OUR LOVE MOTHER TO GIVE LOVE TO US! BUT IT WAS DUE TO OUR SELFISHNESS OF DEVOTION, WE CREATED A GOLDEN CAGE OF DEVOTION BY IMPRISIONED FOR YEARS, IN RETURN BABA SOLUTED (AS A PROOF OF THE PHOTO) FOR OUR KIND-DEVOTION IN RETURN. I AM QUESTIONING THAT ONE GURU IS TO BE IN A BONDAGE IN `LIFE - CIRCLES` IS NECESSARY TO ANY GURU? IT IS THE CAUSE TO MY GRIEF WITH SARROW TO MY MESSAGE. PLEASE TRY TO LEARN TEACHINGS OF BABA AND PRACTICE IT OURSELVES WITH HIS `NIRAKARAM`, THEN THERE IS NO NECESSITY FOR ANOTHER INCARNATION TO OUR LOVE MOTHER BABA AS PREMA SAI. PLEASE TELL ME IF BABA WILL LOOK AFTER ALL THINGS HAPPENED BEFORE HIM; WHY THE BAD HAPPENINGS WERE TOOK PLACE BEFORE HIS PRESENCE? HE WAS ALSO BANDED AND WAS HOSPITALISED IN A DRAMA OF SOME COTTERIE GROUP OF BODY. PLEASE COME IN TO NATURE`S PURVIEW ALSO, DON`T FORGET WE ARE ALL UNDER THE NATURE-POWERS. WHY BABA TOOK SMALL-MEAL DAILY AND WHY HE WAS HOSPITALISED ? IT IS UNDER NATURE`S PURVIEW FOR ANY BODY ON THIS EARTH WITH A BODY! THE BABA DICTATED THE TERMS AND GUIDLINES TO THIS NATURE AS A GURU, THEN HOW HE OVER-POWER HIS OWN ORDERS`? ......OUR DEVOTEES HAVE NOT ACTED WITH THE SAME BELIEF ON BABA IN PRACTICAL, DO WE ALLOW OUR HOUSE GUTTED IN TO FLAMES WITH A BELIEF ON BABA? NO, BUT WE MAKE SOME EFFORT TO LIT-OFF THE FIRE WITH SOME WATER AND THEN PRAYED BABA FOR SAVING THE MISHUP! SO WE ARE ALL PRETENDING DEVOTEES, WHEN EVERY THING THROWING ON BABA TO SAVE HIMSELF, IT IS AN ESCAPISM OF AN INTELLIGENT DEVOTEE IN THE NAME OF DEVOTION. STILL THE SAME BODY IS AT THE HELM OF EXECUTION OF OUR ORGANISATION SHOWS OUR POOR IN-ABILITY OF A LOVE-MOTHER`S LOVE SOLDIERS IN TO ESCAPISM OF A DEEP SLEEP! LET PRAY FOR BABA TO WOKE UP OUR DEEP SLEEP AND ESCAPISM IN A TIME!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 10:00:21 +0000

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