#WHERE_IS_ALLAAH??? Alhamdulillaah, Thummas-Solaatu was-Salaam - TopicsExpress


#WHERE_IS_ALLAAH??? Alhamdulillaah, Thummas-Solaatu was-Salaam alaa man laa Nabiyya badah Definitely without doubt, one of those things that must be completed in a person to make him a Muslim is knowing where Allaah Subhaanahu wataaala is, as He & His Messenger (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) has explained to us, which is - Allaah is above the seventh Heaven on His Throne {as it suits His Majesty} & whosoever his own belief/opiion about where Allaah is, is contrary to the above can never & ever be a Muslim {bada qiyaamil Hujjah, i.e after evidence have been explained to this person} till he repents from such belief Because to believe Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala is above all His creations is one of the aspects/categories/types of Tawheed called; At-Tawheed Al Asmaaa was-Sifaat, this aspect of Tawheed is: (i) That we must not name or qualify Allaah Subhaanahu wataaala except with what He or His Messenger (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) has named or qualified Him (ii) That none can be named or qualified with the Names or Qualifications of Allaah, e.g Al-Kareem, which is one of Allaahs divine names & such a name embraces many great meanings: “the generous,” “the holy,” “the noble”, “the glorious” etc, & no one can bear Al-Kareem but the slave of Kareem (i.e Abdul-Kareem), because Allaah is “Al-Kareem.” In the sense that whenever He (Allaah) gives He gives most generously, & when He is disobeyed, He forgives most forbearingly which nothing except Him Alone can be qualified with such qualities, so we can only name someone or be called Abdul-Kareem (iii) We must believe in all the qualities of Allaah Subhaanahu wataaala which Allaah has stated in the Quraan or mentioned through His Messenger (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) without changing their meanings OR ignoring them completely OR twisting the meanings OR likening them (giving resemblance) to any of the created things And Walhamdulillaah! To believe that Allaah is above His creations is proven from the Quraan & Sunnah, why then do the the Soofis & others like them be changing this great quality of Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala??? Here are just few straight & easy to understand evidences that Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala is above His creations & not everywhere as the Soofis & their likes are saying (OR that Allaah has no place) THE QURAAN EVIDENCE And verily, your Lord is Allaah who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then rose over the Arsh. [Quraan 7:54] Do you feel secure that He, Who is above the heavens, will not cause the earth to sink? Or do you feel secure that He, Who is above the heavens will not send against you a violent whirlwind? [Quraan 67:16-17] ...MORE CLEARER NOW... ALLAAHS HIGHNESS & HIM BEING ABOVE EVERYTHING … and He is the Most High, the Most Great. [2:255] Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High. [87:1] And He is the Irresistible, above His slaves … [6:18] They fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded. [16:50] THINGS COMING DOWN FROM HIM He arranges (every) affair from the heavens to the earth … [32:5] Verily We: it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e., the Quran) … [15:9] THINGS GOING UP TO HIM … To Him ascend (all) the goodly words, and the righteous deeds exalt it … [35:10] The angels and the Rooh (Jibreel) ascend to Him … [70:4] And when Allaah said: O Eesaa (Jesus, the son of Maryam {Alaehimas-Salaam})! I will take you and raise you to Myself. [3:55] My (Ibn Alaabiy) comment: From the last quoted verse above (3:55), obviously to a sane person unlike the Soofis & the rest with the belief that Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala is not above His creation, well know that its only what is below that is raised, & what is said by Allaah in that verse is - I will take you and raise you to Myself. #Subhaanallaah! THE SUNNAH EVIDENCE The sunnah of the Prophet (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) without doubt is the explanation of the Qur’aan (16:44,64), as one cannot take the Quraan alone without letting the Sunnah tag along. Like the Quraaan, the Prophet made the truth on this matter of where is Allaah extremely clear. Lets first start with an aspect of Ibaadah we engage in many times daily, shebi we pray 5 times everyday, now what do we say in our Sujood? - Subhaana Rabbiyal-Alaa (Glory is to my Lord, The Most High) #HoldThatOneForHand & lets kontunu Abdullaah Ibn Amr Ibn Al-Aasn (Rodiyallaahu anhu) related that the Messenger of Allaah(Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) said: Allaah grants mercy to the merciful. Be merciful to those who are on the earth, (then) He (Allaah) Who is above the heavens will be merciful to you. [Abu Dawood & At-Tirmidhi] Anas Bin Maalik (Rodiyallaahu anhu) narrated: Zainab (Rodiyallaahu anha), one of the Prophets #beautiful_wives used to boast before the wives of the Prophet and used to say - You were given in marriage by your families, while I was married (to the Prophet) by Allaah from above the seven Heavens. [Musnad Ahmad] Abu Hurayrah (Rodiyallaahu anhu) reported that the Prophet said: The angels of death usually attend the dying person. If he is pious, they would address his soul saying, O good soul! Come out of the good body, and rejoice in the annunciation of mercy and provision from the Rabb Who is well pleased with you. The angels would keep coaxing it with these words until the soul emerges from the body. Then it would be taken up to the heaven where permission to open the gates of the heaven would be sought. The guards would inquire, Who is this? So and so, the angels would answer. The guards would say: O good soul! You are welcome. The soul would be flattered by such words and finally be taken up to heaven above which is Allaah. [Imaam Ahmad, al-Hakim, and others]. My comment: Wallaahi! It is quite evident that Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala is above the seven heavens. Otherwise, why would the souls (as the above Hadeeth says) & the believers deeds (35:10) be taken up to the heavens to reach Allaah? SUBHAANALLAAH! Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam said: Our Rabb, The Blessed, The Exalted, descends to the lowest heaven every night, during the last third of the night, and says: Is there anyone calling Me, so I respond to him? Is there anyone asking for anything, so I give it to him? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so I forgive him? [Imaam Malik, Imaam al-Bukhari, Imaam Muslim, and others] My comment: Please my dearest brothers & sisters in Islaam, in the above Hadeeth, well see from the words of the Prophet: Our Rabb, The Blessed, The Exalted, descends to the lowest heaven. *This clearly indicates the essential Highness or Loftiness of Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala, were Allaah to exist everywhere, there would be no need for the Prophet who knew Allaah best, to say Allah descends, nor would there be a reason to distinguish one portion of the night from another. There is only one answer to this = Allaah, The Blessed, The Exalted, is above the seven heavens, and above the great Arsh Mu’aawiyah bin Al-Hakam As-Salmi said: I had a slave-girl who used to herd sheep for me. One day I discovered that a wolf had killed one of her sheep, and Im a man from the children of Adam, I get upset like they get upset, and I slapped her in the face. Then I went to the Prophet who impressed upon me the seriousness of my act. I said, O Messenger of Allaah, should I not set her free? He said, Bring her to me. He (the Prophet) asked her, Where is Allah?, She said, He is above the heavens. He said, Who am I? She said, You are the Messenger of Allaah. He said, Free her, for she is a believer. [Muslim and Abu Dawud] FEW STATEMENTS OF THE SOHAABAH & SOME SCHOLARS OF SUNNAH After the death of the Prophet, in order to clear the minds of some of the Sohaabah (Rodiyallaahu ‘anhum), the Man with the greatset Eemaan in this Ummah; Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (Rodiyallaahu anhu) said: He who was worshipping Muhammad (Sollallahu alayhi wa sallam), {let him know that} Muhammad is dead, and he who was worshipping Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala, {let him know that} Allaah is above the heaven Ever-Living, never dies. [Imaam al-Bukhari and others] Imaam Ahmad (Rohimahullaah) was asked: Is Allaah above His Arsh, above the seventh heaven, separate from His creatures, and is His knowledge and power encompassing everything everywhere? He replied: Certainly, He is above His Arsh and nothing escapes His knowledge. [Al-Juyush al-Islamiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, p. 123] And At-Tirmidhi (Rohimahullaah), the great muhaddith said: He is above the Throne as He described in His Book. His Knowledge, Power, and Lordship are everywhere (65:12). [Al-fataawaa Ibn Taimiyyah] #AndBehold! Think about the following statement from the great scholar Ibn Khuzaymah (Rohimahullaah): Whoever does not affirm that Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala is above the heavens, upon His Throne and that He is distinct from His creation; must be forced to repent. If he does not repent, then he must be beheaded and then thrown into a garbage dump, so that the Muslims and the Ahl-Dhimma (the Christians and the Jew) will not suffer from his stinking smell. [Al-Hakim in Al-Ma’rifah] *Reason is because not believing that Allaah is above all His creations is Kufr, & any Muslim that falls into such belief that Allaah is not above His ‘Arsh has disbelieved…& we know Rasool said “Man baddala deenuhu faqtuloohu (Whoever {a Muslim} discards his religion, kill him.).” [Bukhari] This order is applicable in a state/country where Shareeah is used, & the killing is not by anybody, as it’s the Ameerul Mu’mineen that gives order for who to carry out this judgement after necessary conditions EVEN COMMON SENSE & INNATE INSTINCT DENIES THE EVIL AQQEEDAH OF THE SOOFIYYAH, JAHMIYYAH & THEIR LIKES THAT ALLAAH IS NOT ABOVE THE HEAVENS Although in Islaam, proofs from Kitaab wa Sunnah as understood by the Sohaabah are okay for any Muslim, but because of the extent to which people are far from Tawheed & seeking Islaamic knowledge, so sometimes one may need to relate the issue with the normal occurence, & here we go: Without single doubt we all know that Highness is a quality which is associated in people’s mind with perfection. If this is the case, then it should be attributed to Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala because every absolute perfection should be attributed to Him & again the innate instinct of man (fitrah) proves Allaah Subhaanahu wataaala is above us, infact there should be no dispute that man instinctively knows that Allaah is above the heavens. Because whenever something overwhelming befalls a person & he turns to Allaah for help, he looks straight towards heaven, not in any other direction. But its strange that those who deny that Allaah is above His creation still raise their hands in supplication to no other direction than towards heaven. FINALLY Now well Insha Allaah crown it all with the following two questions, we all know the journey called Al-Israa wal Miraaj, that is the clue to the answers to the two questions to be asked Toh, (clears throat) the questions are: 1. Where did the Prophet (Sollallaahu ‘alaehi wa sallam) go to when he went to collect the Prayer (i.e the 5 daily Solawaat)??? 2. Who did he go there to meet??? THE SOOFIS (& THEIR LIKES IN SUCH BELIEF) CONFUSSIONS Allaah says: Do you not see that Allaah knows all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth? There is no secret counsel of three, but He is their fourth, nor of five, but He is their sixth, nor of fewer than that, nor of more, but He is with them wherever they may be. Then on the Day of Resurrection He will inform them of what they did. Surely, Allaah knows all things full well. [58:7] The above verse (58:7) is one of their greatest proofs that Allaah is everywhere mixing with His creations, Subhaanallaah! They contend, signifies that Allaah is essentially everywhere, & this their argument is refuted by the prominent exegete, Ibn Katheer, who said: This means that Allaah is well acquainted with their utterances, and private talks and thoughts. Al-Qurtubi commented on this verse saying: He knows and hears their private counsel. This is evidenced by the fact that the opening and concluding clauses of this verse confirm the knowledge of Allaah. Al-Qasimi says: The scholars among the Prophets companions, who transmitted the meaning of the Quraan to their successors, held this verse to mean that Allaah is above His Arsh, but His knowledge is everywhere. The linguistic analysis of this verse proves the following points: 1. The opening words of the above verse speak of Allaahs knowledge, not His location 2. Private counsel, or secret talk, is the theme of this verse. Allaah says, There is no secret counsel of three, but He is their fourth. He does not say, There are not three, but He is their fourth. Thus the meaning becomes quite clear that it is the knowledge of Allaah what encompasses all His creatures 3. Allaah confirms that He will inform them of their secret talk on the Day of Resurrection 4.The verse ends, therefore, confirming Allaahs knowledge 5. Allaah begins the surah of al-Mujadilah (Chapter 58), of which the verse in question is part, with the following verse: Allaah has indeed heard the speech of the woman who pleads with you concerning her husband and complains to Allaah. And Allaah has heard your dialogue. Verily, Allaah is All-Hearing and All-Seeing. [58:1] Allaah, the Exalted, states that He has heard the woman who was complaining to the Prophet Sollallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and has certainly heard her arguing with her husband, but He did not state in the verse that He was their third 6. In the subsequent verse, Allaah emphasizes that He is well acquainted with the deeds of His slaves. If one were to believe that Allaah is essentially everywhere, it would follow then that He also dwells in filthy places. Only an insane person would dare to impute to Allaah such an attribute. Far removed is Allaah of what they ascribe to Him. It would also follow that Allaah is mingling with His creatures in the heavens and on the earth. Such belief has paved the way for panatheism, & promoted the myth of god incarnate. Allaah is far removed from what they ascribe to Him. It should be clear in the minds of the true believers that there is nothing to surround Allaah, the Exalted, nor is there a place to contain Him. Things and places are creatures, and Allaah is above all His creatures. All creatures need Him, while He is separated from His creatures, & stands in need of none of them. The Heaven is the Qiblah of the Duaa. Muslims supplicate Allaah with their palms upheld because they believe Allaah is above the heaven 7. The above allegation, to begin with, has no proof in the Quraan or the Sunnah, & it cannot be related to any of the Companions of the Prophet Sollallaahu alayhi wa sallam nor to any of the Tabieen, who succeeded them. There is no mention of this statement in the Book of Allaah or the Sunnah of the Messenger Sollallaahu alayhi wa sallam And as we have said, none of the Sohaabah has such belief, & ask them of a single Sunnah Tafsir Book that interpretes any verse in the Qur-aan to mean Allaah is everywhere??? We ask Allaah to guide us to the truth
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:28:25 +0000

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