~~~~ WHO IS ONE FATHER AND ONE MOTHER OF THIS CREATION ? WHEN ONE SUPER POWER IS GENDERLESS, HOW ONE CHARCTER OF MALE ARISED? IT CAME ONLY IN `DUALITY` AND `IDENTITY` PURPOSE ONLY ! IF WE TOUCHED THE `ONENESS` OF MOTHER`S LESSON OF `LOVE-ESSENCE, THERE IS NO DUALITIES OF NATURE`S ILLUSIONS OF DIFFERENT GODS, SHAPES,NAMES, STORIES, SCRIPTS, BOUNDARIES, RELIGIONS, COLORS AND MANY, MANY......! BUT ALL ARE TO EXPLAIN TO IT`S CREATIVITY OF MAGIC TO REACH ONENESS OF `DIVINE`S BLISS, THAT IS ALL OF OUR INTERNAL JOURNEY OF SELFLESS LOVE IN NATURE CREATIVITY. ~~~~ Why our nature mother, being as an administrator, creator and only mother of this nature `Jagan Mata` touched the feet of SriVishnu pressing in a moment with one of her incarnation of Laxmi Mata? even thogh Laxmi mata have 8 treasures as Ashta Laxmi in creativity of wealth! The only mother of this creation Jagan Mata is a better half to one Male character as one creator In duality of 1st creation and as a better half; actually one purush or male mother divided in to `duality` later to thripple. First she divided herself in to 3 as mothers: Laxmi, Saraswati & Parvati, again she created 3 male roles in creativity of symbolcs as Bramha, Vishnu & Mahesh as their better halfs in creation of activity. She keep and console one male role in more precious & energetic as symbols one Male, who was like a sky unattached, unidentified and behind the scene as a Superpower or Super energy sharing through our love mother in creativity. The nature creation of an activity and every thing is comming from mother only in divisions by she will adding and mixing of her love essense in variations of a role character of this earth throuh 5`elements of her power. We should acknowledge here every character on this earth should be treated as only `Female` only, even thoough we are called as somebody males. There is only one `MALE` (`Purush`) of this entire creation. Our lovely mother explained another thing of `ELECTRICITY` without earh (naure mother), there is no connectivity of phase (one `Male` or `Superpower`), it was proved in electrical science also! So both were interdependent as like wife & husband. If one Super energy have no consumer, where is the value for its identity? for example if there is plenty of milk available in village, but there were no consumer, in a day the milk will be poured in a canal for its bad smell. In my question in my boy-hood, why this creation created? unnecessary troubles were arise as human to us in livelihood for education, business extra. In a search of of one truth, I got the reasons like this. No body can stop that Superpower in a controle, it should be all time in moving and it should be transmitted for all times in a ration to every particles with out hurdles in creativity, if not the reaction of its power will be doubled in to distruction of power wastage in to useless like spoiled milk! , according to Newtons 3rd law: `For every action there is an equallent and opposite reaction `. So we can attach our spiritual subject with advanced science also, the science was also a permission given by nature mother to proper utilisation of nature`s happy living! In the same way if we take for example one big `river` flowing as `Male` Superpower, if there is no bridge (that is love `Mother` like a bridge without channels), what will be happened? The entire sorrownding will be flooded. So love mother is a bridge to stop and controle the flow of water for irrigation purposes again for foodgrains: or like a transformer (condensor or reducer) to reduce the power in a sufficient or in a rational way to reach every of atom on this earth because the one Superpower is touching every particle with same power! But it is our determination and practice to get huge power to consume like our Mother for nature in an activity of selfless love only! Please noticed here that one love mother acted as administer in love essence to absorb and transformers from our one father in creation. Its huge Superpower maintaining as positive (one male); again ashe stabilise it with her essence of love in mixing for creation of this nature with mindful human as her love instruments or limbs in action, wherever necessary in a drama of different roles in variations and expansions with names, identities extra to recognise the drama for tracing oneness of her love essence in nature as 2nd Mother as a teacher or `GURU` of one knowledge: before this she already arranged our own mother who gives birth to nourish us life-long in a pure love to get a primary knowledge in a lesson of one self-less love in a practical way to travel for second stage and third stage to find out oneness of `one ocean love of nature mother` as our `base` as `sahasra`kham` in a feel of love ecstasy of joy to reach neutral-space in a trance is Bramhanandam, In our ultimale journey, we can found our face in a reflection of a mirror of Super power as called ourselves as only Father; that is our ultimate love journey of human as called sohum (means, already that `I` is my self!), both our father and ourselves are one and same, if we acknowledge our nature mothers love of essence is the truth forever as one real knowledge to human! So we should control our egos, selfishness, mind controle methods of meditation in a determination, selfless creativity in surrender and simple living to attach with 1st love mother`s lesson of pure love and 2nd mother as nature and `GURU`will be leads us to reach only Mother and with her love allowence and with her kindness, we have to reach an unknown and unidentified only MALE like a mirror in this creation to reflect the same what we have in our heart and as a better half of our love Mother. It called here as `IT` is genderless one `Super power`, showing in `duality` of creation, `IT` divided in to `two` to show as `one Male & one Female`. As one Male chracter `IT` was unattached in activity (but as a director, dictator, script writer, time keeper and many behind the screen to keep the nature Mother in all respects); and one Female as love of mother created as an administer and as a connectivity in between to one `Male Father` and `nature` as well in all respects of creativity and direction with her ocean of love only. Whatever we found in creation with shapes, names, different roles, identities and many in nature is in mixing of illusions as guidence to trace oneness of Divine only with our human mindful positive thinking character and also there is misguiding of traps of illusions by our love mother to examine our determination of purity in creativity with selfless love; as one mother like an examinor she will decide and allowing our promotion from 2nd phase of journey to final and 3rd phase in reuniting with oneness of `LOVE`, it is all our birth place that we forgotten in creation with our many life cycles. It is lost door of one human to liberate from this dungeon of illusions in a mindful thinking of creation with LOVE only as an essence to get back birth. As per one ` Upanishath-Tyttireya`, there `Satyam-Jnanam,Anatam -Bramha`, I found here in my search that selfless of pure love of our own Mother`s is an ultimate knowledge(`Jnanam`) is all over(`Anatam`) as only one `Father` or `Divine`(Bramha) is one `TRUTH` (`Satyam`) for all time as past-presence-future in `thripple-activity` and as in `duality-activity` of Father & Mother; child & mother in action of nature- Mother in a LOVE lesson only! Then only all our illusions of creation will be smashed off in to `oneness` of ONE-LOVE submerged and dilluted in to zero` freeze-stage. IN REALITY! THAT ONE `I` IS NOT `OUR`S`, BECAUSE WE ARE ALL NOTHING BRING WITH US AND AGAIN WE ARE NOT CARRYING ANY TREASURE AT THE END! THAT EVERY THING IS ATTRIBUTES TO `DIVINE ` AS ONLY `MALE OF THIS CREATION IS TRUTH OF ONLY KNOWLEDGE, THE REMAINING IS A CREATING SCENE OF DRAMAS` AS NATURE ADDED WITH ILLUSIONS TO HUMAN LIVILIHOOD AND TO EXPOSE THE INNER FEELINGOF `SELFLESS-LOVE` IS ONE DIVINES` IDENTITY TO REUNITE WITH `IT` AS A FATHER, SAVIOUR, SUPER POWER OF THIS CREATION TO ALL WITH THE PERMISSION ALLOWED BY OUR NATURE AND LOVE MOTHER `JAGAN`MATA` IN TO `ONE-NESS` OF JOY IN ECSTASY HOVERING OVER LIKE A `SKY` ` WITH OUT COLORS, TASTES, IDENTITIES, GENDER,SUPERNESS EXTRA., OR LIKE A REFLECTOR OF A MIRROR TO REFLECT THE SAME TO US, THAT `ONE UNIVERSAL - LOVE IS ALL OUR IDENTITY !
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 05:36:17 +0000

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